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REvolution 3

Glue! Something all serious table tennis players use, have knowledge of and is at the heart of REvolution No. 3. Dan Tigau started REvolution No. 3 in Bucharest, Romania to fill in the gap created by the banning of speed glue. You know, that glue that really made a difference in the performance of your equipment but had VOCs in it. ITTF has banned VOCs from glues but REvolution No. 3 came to the rescue!

Dan’s idea was to create a VOC-free glue that would still improve the performance of equipment but this time using a latex glue that is water based, VOC-free and highly elastic. The glue is very easy to apply and remove and will help you make the best of your blade and rubber sheets.

Don’t overlook his rubber cleaner and rejuvenator. Clean, green and an amazing product to make your rubber sheets last longer.

REvolution No. 3. Power up your racket!


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REvolution 3 Laquer/Varnish - 30ml
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REvolution 3 Cleaner and Rejuvenator - 110ml
$9.99  $21.99
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REvolution 3 Two-Sided Cleaning Sponge
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Revolution 3 Cleaning Sponge


REvolution 3 Glue - 110ml
$14.99  ($13.63/100ml) $18.99
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REvolution 3 Odorless Glue - 100ml
$19.95  ($19.95/100ml)
REvolution 3 Odorless Glue - 500ml
$32.95  ($6.59/100ml) $39.95