XIOM Jekyll and Hyde X50
Powerful Catapult-Based Aggressive Topspin Strongly transferring vertical and horizontal energy transmitted during hitting at the same time requires very high technology physically from the user's point of view. However, the "X" rubber, which applies the catapult effect of the "SLING" principle, holds the ball deep into the rubber surface and effectively delivers two energies at a time lag. Speed: 84
Spin: 91
Control: 89
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Reviews of XIOM Jekyll and Hyde X50 (3)
My previous setup was TB ALC and Tenergy 05 on both sides FH 2.1/ BH 1.9 , my new setup is TB ALC and X50 Max on both sides. Therefore I will mainly compare T05 and X50.
Control is the main difference. X50 control is amazing compared to T05. In gameplay, I notice that I am more comfortable waiting for the right opportunity to finish the point. I would say that X50 is close to D05 with much better control and less spin sensibility. Serves, return of serves and pushes are better on X50, while blocks are a bit softer.
Speed: X50 is less bouncy and springy than T05. With the same stroke, there is slightly less speed, but not much less. It requires a little more than just a wrist flick. X50 is a good compromise between T05 and D09C which I find too slow (or requires significant increase in arm speed).
Power: A little less power than T05, but easily compensated by the confidence given by the rubber. Smashes are as fast as T05 and more controlled.
Spin: X50 is more spinny than T05, closer to Dignics. The arc is lower than T05 and required stroke adjustments with more forward motion and a closed bat. Initially, my loops were too low or went in the net. The slight tackiness gives some nice slow loops options.
Overall, I feel that Xiom X50 is the ideal compromise for me and the transition was fast. I played six matches so far with X50. I reduced unforced errors while keeping the speed and spin of my aggressive playstyle. Last night I beat 4/1 a player I lost against 4/0 with T05 and beat easily another player 4/0 against whom I struggled to win 4/3 only four weeks ago.
I cannot comment on durability, but it doesnt degrade on the edges like T05, so ot is a good sign.
Highly recommended.

All items are in stock unless otherwise stated. All prices are in USD.
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