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The TSP Curl PH Long Pips rubber was produced with the longest and widest pips that the rules will allow. The TSP Curl PH has the ability to produce a unique "knuckle ball" effect on shots as well as produce effective speed for offensive shots. The TSP Curl PH allows for short backspin push shots over the table that are not possible with the other long pips rubbers.

The TSP Curl PH rubber was released in December 2008. This rubber creates unique long pips knuckle balls without very much effort with chopping. It can create variety of spin with chopping but not like TSP Curl P1R where it can generate heavy under spin. It is very stable and slower than TSP Curl P1R. It is possible to push underspin balls easily with TSP Curl PH.

TSP Curl PH Interesting long-pimple alternative for all players who are playing close to the table. - similar structured pimples to those of the popular Curl P1R, but harder - allows aggressive backspin push shots over the table - enables you to place the ball more effectively (close to the table as well as away from the table) - makes it easier to block topspins with a high disturbing effect.

TSP Curl Series:

Four types of TSP long pips rubbers have been approved by ITTF. There designed Curl rubber sheets P1R, and P3 ALPHA R Curl rubbers have been produced to have the optimum level of playing characteristics of the original designs of the P1 and P3 Alpha Curl rubbers. The latest assortment of ITTF approved TSP Curl products are follows:

• P1R has the longest and softest pips among the TSP Curl rubbers produces very deceptive spins and actions after bouncing.
• P2 has the same design as before. This Curl produces deceiving spins while allowing you exceptional control.
• P3 has the same design as before. This Curl is great for a combination of defensive and offensive play.
• P3 Alpha R is very pliable and has soft long pips produces more deceptive shots than P3and P2. It will also absorb the fastest of drives and spins.

Speed: 30
Spin: 80

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Reviews of TSP Curl PH (4)

Probada en ox de color negro,pegada con celo adhesivo en dos caras en la Puma (lkt),Esta goma para realizar bloqueos es regular lo mejor va es para realizar ataques ,con peque±o o bajo arco en Top Spin,en cambio para cortar y efectuar devoluciones del saque , no va tambien ,prefiero la Neptuno en todo,hasta en el precio.Tampoco es muy enga±osa ,,es mejor la Dawei.388-D-1- la Bomb Talent y la Pogo.-Por lo tanto, en este caso, no la recomiendo ,prefiero otras gomas con picos exteriores casi iguales ,o diria que mejores,y encima mas baratas , ahora mi favorita es la Yinhe Neptuno. que la supera casi en todo;no en el precio.Usada en el reves y en el lado derecho en FH ,casi mejor ya que permitia poder defender y atacar ,pero no muy lejos de la mesa
Proven ox black, stuck with adhesive on both sides zeal in the Puma (LKT), rubber blockades This is regular best is going to carry out attacks with little or low arch in Top Spin, in exchange for cutting and make returns of serve, not going well, I prefer the Neptune in everything, even in the precio.Tampoco is very misleading, it is better Dawei.388-D-1-the Bomb-Pogo. Talent and so on this case, do not recommend it, I prefer other gums with outer peaks nearly equal, or say it better, and cheaper over, now my favorite is the Yinhe Neptune. that overcomes almost everything, not the precio.Usada on the reverse and on the right side in FH, almost better as it allowed to defend and attack, but not far from the table
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I tried this rubber for just 2 hrs only. Practiced with a robot and a friend.

I was with TSP Pr-1 before.

Compare with the pr-1 this rubber is a breeze. Very easy on all aspect of the game, defense and attack. Being close to the table make the opponent to have problem with the diversities of the shot possible. From long to short push with spin or not. Chop block can be done lightly or very heavy with good reversal. Where the opponent is concentrated to return the ball carefully you can hit or top spin his ball. So for creative player it can be a blast !

The pr-1 demand concentration, right move and right speed and right technique to create the very spinny shot that he can generate but its a lot of work.

The PH can be played for recreation or with perfect tehnique and you can perform decent shot. Perfect technique and tactics will create havoc to the opponent !!!

I used it on my BH and have inverted fast rubber on my fh. I used it on an offensive blade.
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played with OX at the table,blocking is easy, also difficult serves...playing fast is difficult because the rubber is slow.
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I try to review this pips in english but It's going to be complicated for my because not my mother language.
Estos picos no tienen mucha fricción y tras las prohibiciones de muchos de ellos es un punto a favor para esta goma. Son complicados de utilizar y lleva un tiempo el controlarlos perfectamente. Lo más complicado de estos picos es la devolución, pero a parte de eso nada más, incluso te permiten golpear la bola y hacer pequeños rallyes con los atacantes.
English( Sorry for my English)
These long pips don't have much friction and after bans many of them and is a point to favour for this rubber. They are complicated to use and takes time to perfect control. The most complicated of these pips is the return, but apart from that nothing else even let you hit the ball and make small rallies with the offensive players.
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