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155 Reviews for Yasaka Rakza 7

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I have a Viscaria and I use the 1.8mm Rakza 7 on my backhand. I found that the other rubbers that I had tried, T05, MX-P were simply too fast and I couldn't control the shots consistently. I even tried the 1.8mm MX-P but even then I didn't enjoy a lot of success.

The Rakza7 has changed that for me. I would often check my shots a little bit with the other faster rubbers but now I strike the ball hard with confidence. If everything that people say about softer sponges is true, then I am engaging the sponge a lot more now and I definitely feel more control in my shots.

The biggest change for me was the throw angle. Both the MX-P and the T05 have a high throw angle so I'd have to close my bat a fair bit on the follow through after doing a backhand flip, and my backhand loops would also have a fairly closed angle, this made it harder for me to control. If my footwork wasn't good, then I'd be off balance and getting the right angle became difficult. With the Rakza7, it's a lot easier to play these strokes and I'm able to hit the ball harder as a result.

I've already purchased the Rakza7 on the max thickness and I'm looking forward to trying that eventually.

I've boosted the Rakza7 with Tempo long once and for the first week, it was just mental. I thought I was still playing with the T05 so that's a good option.

Update(22/may/2019): I've been playing with my current setup for a little over a month, Rakza 7 (1.8mm) on my backhand. The backhand flick attack off the serve is out of this world. I'm finding that as long as the service is slightly bouncy or slightly longish, this thing will let you flick the ball over and immediately go on the attack. Depending on how much you throw your elbow forward, you can generate a really spinny flick or a fast flick. Keep your bat open and the rubber will do the rest. I'm loving how aggressive I can play.
I've changed the control rating from 9 to 9.5
I've changed the gears to from above average to many
Overall 9 to 9.5
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Back in 1988 (when you had a 38mm ball and 2 choices in rubber -Sriver EL or Mark V) I used Jonyer H paired with Mark V rubbers (2.0 black BH and max red FH). Mark V was a terror with the 38mm ball. With that combo, I would topspin on both flanks anything and everything on either side. I was also 25 years younger and won a bunch of local competitions. Fast forward to 2016, and I decided to play table tennis again. My old combination was lacking power for the 40mm ball. Younger players were overpowering me. I decided to upgrade. Bought a new butterfly Liu Shiwen& newer rubbers. Decent blade but affected my looping, topspin game. Then I read an article from a famous chinese coach about how to keep the older OFF blades but simply change the rubber to newer tensors. I decided to go find the correct combination of newer rubbers for my Jonyer H FL(with the compact head). After some research and testing, I found the Mizuno Q3 2.1mm for my FH and Rakza7 2mm for my BH. Paired with the newer rubbers, I am beating players half my ageplaying tenergy05. Rakza7 feels like a tensored Mark V. It has that clicking sound, has good speed and amazing spin. But is quite insensitive to incoming spin (even better than Mark V). It has a distinct advantage in this dept. Hence my BH has Rakza7. All my opponents ask me about what equipment I use, and I show them my Jonyer H with Rakza7 and it still works. Looping machine, fast and light with amazing control. I move my opponents all around the table, and it can do everything - attack, loop, smash, block, chop and drop shots. And yes, it loops like a tensored Mark V for the 40mm ball. I could even use it on my forehand. And the price is 1/2 of tenergy05, which I found to be too sensitive to incoming spin. If you play with a player using tenergy05, use Rakza7 and generate a lot of spin, they have a lot of problems controlling the ball, hitting haywire shots everywhere. Tenergy05 is only for professional players (not club level players).
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I have used this for 2 years and it is the best rubber I have played with. I use it on my BH (1.8mm) and FH (2.0mm). It has the best control, good speed and good spin. It is great for serves, loops, blocking, pushing, basically everything. I am a close to the table player so I have not used this from a far distance. Tenergy 05 is ok compared to this but I feel that it is too bouncy and a little harder to control. Rakza 7 is also much better at smashing than Tenergy. Not to mention how expensive Tenergy is. I have also tried Rakza 7 soft but that rubber is a little too soft and slow for me. It also doesn't last as long as the edge chips away much quicker than regular Rakza 7.
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Fantastic rubber with brilliant spin capability, and more than enough speed. Used on BH of Stiga All-round Classic, red, middle thickness and its been brilliant, my BH is so much more stable thanks to this rubber, BH drives, flicks, loops, pushes all feel amazing. I've been using for 11 months, and the grip feels almost no different to how it felt brand new. Would highly recommend for either FH or BH.
UPDATE: after experimenting with a Chinese rubber on the FH (729 Battle 2) I decided there wasn't enough dwell time due to it being super hard, so I put Rakza 7 on both sides of my Stiga All-round-Classic, and boy was it a good decision, execution of drives, loops, counter loops, pushes, flicks feel incredible, the serve needs some getting used to coming from a tacky rubber. This combination feels perfect for my style of play - close to the table attack. Confirmed my belief that Rakza 7 is a top quality rubber for either FH or BH. Will definitely be buying this rubber again.
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Speed: 9.4
Spin (European Style): 9.1
Control: 8.7
Weight: 47g in 2.2 (0.233g/cm^2)
Hardness (DHS): 37.3
Gears: 2.7
Throw: 5.9
Fast Loop: 9.3
Slow Loop: 9
Counter Loop: 8.9
Touch: 8.5
Block: 8.5
Smash: 9.3
Slice/Chop: 9
Serve: 9
Flip/Flick: 9.3
Available Sponge Thickness: 1.8/2.0/2.2
Durability: 5
Value: 7.6
Overall: 9.1
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I don't know if this rubber is great doing something, but it's very good doing everything.

Mid throw, mid hard sponge. I'm using a black max sheet on my backhand.

Easy to play, a natural fit on BH, but can be used on both wings for controlled offensive players.

The speed is very good, the spin is very good, control is good, good looping, very good hitting, good blocking and serving. Just keep it dry or the ball will slip.

Back in the day I was a Mark V user, with Rakza 7 I just feel like I'm home. There are better rubbers doing one thing or another, but for it's price Rakza 7 is a safe choice and a very, very good rubber without major flaws.
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I bought this rubber thinking on a replacement on Tenergy 05, Rakza 7 is a pretty good rubber, control is good, speed is slow then energy 05, but is fine, the top sheet is different from tenergy, and more tack, overall it is a good rubber but the feeling is a lot different then tenergy
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Rakza 7 is the best BH rubber that I've ever used as it grips the ball well even on very deep angle of slope when the ball is hit late or off timing. Due to its medium throw angle, the consistency of hitting the table is high, just apply a proper brush stroke & the ball will land perfectly on your target. This rubber is forgiving enough when right angle of swing & adequate ball-to-top sheet contact are made. The control rating of this rubber is also so amazing as you can easily do pushes & blocks accurately based from the applied force on the ball. It's also less sensitive against heavy spin from a loop or under spin, thus a player can easily do counter-looping rallies, chops & controlled blocks. On spin category, as long as the ball is hit with proper blade angle, to create a good ball contact, & at down slope trajectory (2 - 3 'clock angle), huge amount of ball rotation will be achieved & almost comparable to Tenergy 05.
The top sheet is a firm med-soft natural rubber which seems to be a high quality one. Still, a bit fragile after 6 months of usage. The sponge is medium hard, about 38 degree on DHS rating, which aid this rubber to have a speed rating of 9/10. Overall, the durability of Rakza 7 is very good compare to Xiom & Donic rubbers.
Generally, Rakza 7 is an overall type of weapon whether on FH or BH, but still, this will be my best BH rubber of all the rubbers out there.
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My backhand rubber atm. My originall backhand rubber was DHS Skyline 3 Neo and it was good. But I had an injury and wasn't able to play for 3 weeks. After that pause, my Skyline 3 was completelly different. Much slower (it was almost like a def rubber), weird sound. I tryed to reglue it but it didn't help... My forehand Skyline 2 Neo survived that pause well without any problems, really dunno what happened. After that, I started searching some alternatives. Tryed Donic Baracuda, Xiom Vega Europe and Rakza. Rakza is the best of these rubbers for me. It's sponge hardness is medium-soft (if you check the ratings, you can see that DHS Skyline 2 Neo should be softer - 5.1 comp. to Rakza's 5.8. It isn't correct at all, just try to press both rubbers between fingers and you can see Rakza is significantly softer. Another example why you shouldn't believe in the ratings here). It produces decent spin but it isn't a spin monster like Skyline or Tenergy (+- same as Baracuda, much more than Xiom Vega Euro). Speed isn't high, almost the same like Skyline 2 Neo or Baracuda. Controll is good but you can get rubbers with better ball feeling. It performs best in mid distance looping, slightly worse in fast drives and close to the table game. It is a good rubber overally but I think I'll not keep it for a long time.

EDIT (November 2011): I've changed my mind. I'm keeping Rakza, it rocks. Good speed (not extra fast, slightly under Tenergy 05), ideal throw angle, awesome controll and pretty good in looping. Ok, spin is slightly lower comparing to DHS Neo rubbers but you don't need so much effort and power to get a ball over the net from a strong chop. I have Tenergy 05 and Rakza 7 on my blade atm and Rakza dominates in everything. I'll remove Tenergy soon, 2nd sheet of Rakza is on a way to me. I recommend it to everyone who is looking for a Tenergy alternative, it can work better! I'm a proof of that.

EDIT (December 2011): I use this Rakza on my forehand side, replaced it by Stiga Boost TX on my backhand. The reason is simple - it's throw angle was too high for my backhand (lower than Tenergy's anyway). On the other hand if it's throw was higher, it could be a 10/10 rubber for my forehand. It is because I usually play mid distance forehand loops, oftenly fighting with opponent's strong chop. I can handle that but the throw angle for that could be slightly higher for perfection, something between T05 and Rakza. But nothing is perfect, Rakza is an awesome rubber.

EDIT (December 2011): I'm back with Rakza on my backhand. I was thinking about it for a long time and this is better. Rakza's attacking potential is higher and as a both winged looper I need more spin and speed from the mid distance. Boost isn't bad but it is much worse in mid distance looping. It's about a compromise.

EDIT (Feb 2012): My forehand Rakza didn't last longer than 3 months. It is an awesome rubber but it doesn't last ages if your style is agressive.

EDIT (Feb 2012): After many test I've finally stabilized my setup. Rakza is the best offensive rubber I've ever played with. Using both rubbers in max thickness atm but I'll buy the 2.0 version on my bh next time. Many people prefer Tenergy but I don't. Rakza is better in everything from my point of view.
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Im using the rubber with yasaka sweden extra blade. Its really spinny, provided that you put in enough acceleration. Speed it also there, when you need it. The rubber is an awsome confidence booster, and at the same time requires you to have a good technique (it doesnt play by itself like a tenergy). The catapoult effect if it even exists is pretty subtle, allowing you to feel the ball more, and to play short and spinny pushes when needed. I didnt feel any lack of speed or spin in my game, but I feel a huge jump in control, especially in countertopspins. Great rubber, would recommend every player to try it at least once.
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No speed! 729 Focus III equal. Not worth with its price!!!
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I'm using Rakza7 2.0mm on my FH on a Nittaku Acoustic blade.
This rubber is very fast and veeeery spinny, especially on serves. The rubber is still pretty controlable.
The sound is amazing too.
Tried many offensive rubbers and I can not find anything better for the price.
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Fast and consistent Rubber. Everything is good in it. I'm using it on my Rpb BH, and it has a lethal speed, with great control. It's medium Hard. Update: using it again, on the FH, and I just inverted the speed/spin stats. The spin capability of rakza 7 is amazing, near T05 levels. Great rubber.
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The best BH rubber I played with to date!
I seem to have rather natural shots with my BH and could adapt to the Yasaka Rakza 7 without any problem. I liked it even better than Tenergy05. There were not so many differences though. The thing that tipped the ballance in favor of the Rakza 7 was the possibilty to hit a flat BH with a lot of consistency.
If you prefer to hit spinny shots, that is not a problem as well.
Control is amazing: short, long, left, right, middle... Blocking is a breeze: the rubber is not very sensitive to incoming spin.

Conclusion: This is a keeper!
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it's the best yasaka rubber. it's incredible! i love it! it's very fast and halucinative spin. all with very very good control. i recomend this with an off blade and you creates a fantastic bat. and because it's natural gum the rubber lasts a very long time!
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This one feels like the durable version of Tibhar Evolution EL-S. Nice spin and speed and a medium high throw angle. I feel like it does not excel at any aspect, but is great for amateur to intermediate players.
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A couple of weeks ago I needed a rubber while waiting for my favorite rubber (DHS Hurricane 8) which I ordered on the internet.
While I had my new blade all ready I needed a piece of red rubber.
He gave me his two old Razka rubbers and I love them to play with ever since.
I use it on back and forehand. And loving it.
I use it on a custom made blade from Inkunzi in Turkey.
And I have on my imitation hexagon it on my forehand side.
Expensive but excellent rubber.
Now still playing with Rakza 7 on my forehand and Rakza 7 soft on the backhand.
I think it is one of the best PingPong rubbers available.
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This is a spin monster and its medium fast.... I use it on a Garaydia alc which is fast as hell and this helps slow it down a little and neutralizes incoming spin to a great extent... If you have a good carbon blade which accelerates and good technique, this is definitely for you.... Don't waste your savings on a tenergy.... ( Better than an mxs)
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Excellent rubber for speed & spin. Great control. Rubber is bouncy & found sensitive to incoming spin. Need certain lever of skill to utilise full potential of it. All in all, highly recommended.
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My ratings are for 2.2mm version. It has a lot of speed and spin but less control. It is not suitable for close to the table play.
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I just played for an HR with my new set up. Stiga Offensive Classic with Donic BlueFire M2 (FH) and Rakza 7 on BH. What can I say - I am already in love with this!!! Took literally zero time to adjust and gives me awesome control on the blocks and also some nice controlled power on backhand flips. Just took it out of the package and started playing with it like I had always been playing with it and I can see a clear improvement from my previous set up!
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Very controllable and yet very fast rubber. Plays like a speed-glued Mark V, so for those old enough, you will remember the feeling when you play. Does not have the bouncy effect of Tensor rubbers, neither the sensitiveness to spin of Tenergy and similar artificially grip enhanced rubbers. Lots of spin on serves which can be made short and spinny due to lack of bounciness and natural rubber grip. Same applies to short game. I play japanese penhold and these characteristics favor the penhold game style combined with power drives and hits. By the numbers of reviews I see that I am late trying this rubber, but I see why it is so popular. A rubber that mimics a speed-glued Mark V feeling can only be a success.
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Hard medium, medium angle, high spin, little reactive to incoming spin, good construction quality, consistent, good in blocks, I like more in FH than BH, grabs the ball, high control, is not very fast, really light compared to other rubbers, good feeling, very good
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DEC ,2017,Brilliant rubber....most players in my club now use this.Consistency is the middle name of this rubber.Started using it on the Recommendation of my friend .Takes few hrs to show full potential.
Update-This is my go to rubber now.Great in fast loops(medium arc ,much less than Tenergy 05),flat hits,serves,returns.Its mind blowing in blocks,when I stand close to the table and block people ask me if I am using ''anti-spin rubber''-as the control is amazing.Update(17-June-2018)-using it again on Rossi Emotion Joola blase....pushing/chopping is amazing,pushes are just too fast,deep if you wish and very low.Best push I ever did with any rubber.I use it on BH,on FH I use Tenergy 05.
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This is my favorite backhand rubber now, better than the soft version. Red 2.0mm weighs @ 46.1g cut, Speed=8.8; spin=9.5; control=9(BH); grip=9.2; throw=med; hardness=6.5; Flicks=easy & spinny; feel=solid; overall=9.5. Serve return has good control, feel & spin; easy to lift backspin; better than R7 Soft; Best rubber for BH on most blades
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Rakza 7 is the better combination between speed and spin. I`m penholder and used a RSM G Max plus Rakza 7 and this is a genuine fast-and-spinny offensive combination. Great for loops and aggressive play, very nice! After trying with various rubbers T64, T64fx, T80, Xiom Omega IV Pro and Europe, but after 3 month with Rakza i believe is better in everything from my point of view. I`m very happy with Rakza 7.
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Best rubber from Yasaka I think. Works fine in most areas and feels good in both forehand and backhand. Not so tacky but still pretty good in serve and returns. I played with Rakza 7 a while back but changes because they did not last so long as I want my rubbers to do but definitely like how they play.
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on tbs im satisfied with rakza 7 , i changed from joola maxxx 450 and rakza is better rubber for forehand but little bit slower , bh can be played, it has high throw angle and for me its natural for forehand... simular throw like acuda s2 and tenergy05 ..., but for 3rd ball and away from table its great...
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Fast spinny rubber which is very very lightweight compared to any chinese rubber. Great for loops and aggressive play. For intermediate and pros only. This rubber looks to be a keeper. Spin is king on this rubber. Ball acceleration is tremendous, it imparts insane spin.
Blocking, pushing, chopping all works really well. Flipping seems to require bit of work to get right. Technique makes a huge difference. There is some "forgiveness" in the rubber but not that much. Most balls land in if you were aiming inside the table and not trying to achieve orbit.

Blocking is a strong suite just as much as looping and hitting. Point and shoot, stroke and play.

I've started using Max ( 2.2 mm) RED version now for BH. The speed and spin helps with my weakness in returns on the BH-side.

The best Yasaka for those wanting to play an aggressive game while adding a little variation with push/blocks. Good amount of spin and speed with the right technique will make your opponent think twice as your returns progressively get faster and spinnier :-)

Update: Lots of ppl complaining about longevity. Rubber cleaning is MUST for this rubber. Either Foam or 3/4 drops of water and wipe clean after playing. Use Sticky Rubber protector sheet. I have this rubber in brand-new surface condition almost 1 year old rubber !!!

My number #1 FH rubber. Medium throw angle. Excellent serve, touch, rally, push, chop, top-spin to counter-top spin.

This rubber reacts to incoming spin moderately. So control play is must. Good aggressive counter-spin also must.
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i just bought this rubber like 3 days ago and let me tell you is the best rubber ever for your backhand simply amazing...
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Fantastic rubber, I put 2 rakza in a Timo boll spirit and is very spectacular.
Is very fast with a lot of spin.
For chop is very good with a lot of control and spin.
To do topspins is amazing.
I recomended this rubber for backhand and forehand specially for players with a medium-high level.
Very good rubber!!
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One of the best rubbers of all time
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My latest rubber which started on my BH and now is on my FH.
At the BH I struggled a lot with Rakza 7. I just could not get the feeling to safely flick/flip,
Drives or make topspin openers with my BH. It was not that forgiving. I even had to hold my hand/wrist in such an angle it it felt uncomfortable to make them. Blocks and chops were excellent. Serves and receives are are a joy. As my confidence was getting to a low point, i had to conclude that I might not suit my BH playstyle. I switched it to my FH and what a switch that was. On my forehand this has become a beast. I could place the ball where i want with topspins, serves flips and flicks. The control is insanely good. Chops and receiving in short game fall so short that i can control the game and wait for an opportunity to attack. I rarely make mistakes i cant explain. I always know what Ive done wrong because of the feedback this rubber gives me.
Im currently intrigued by the Dignics 09C but if I not like that the rakza 7 will be back on the FH.
Really really impressed by rakza on my FH
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Recommended to me by my coach. It does everything I've been asked to do in training. Coming from a premade, I can now get a ton of spin and enough speed to win points (as long as my timing is good). I could see myself using this for a long while.
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Very responsive with high speed. Tried on backhand and like it very much.
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The best rubber i have ever tried, except for speed.(don't get me wrong its still okay fast but its not enough to outright overpower good players. you might get that amount of speed with a faster blade, but i have not tried that as of yet) otherwise a splendid rubber that makes you feel like you cant miss :)
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Initially I tried this rubber on my backhand side and found it worked pretty well but wasn’t overly impressed with it. Recently I started playing with it on my forehand and I’ve found I really like it as a forehand rubber. It has lots of dwell time and really picks up the ball, imparting loads of spin. The spin this rubber produces is definitely near the top end for all tensor rubbers. Great rubber at a great price. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced player, Rakza 7 will serve you well.
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Too much catapult for me:
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First time i buy R7, i use it on BH. But since i find R7 potential, i switch it to FH and my attacking style totally changed. I can easily doing smash, loop and the speed is very fast,powerful and spinny. My opponent hard to block it. I love R7. But if you love to flick, chop. Dont use R7
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A bit too fast for me, I will try the Rakza 7 soft.
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Muy buen caucho de control, pero poca velocidad. Recomendado para nivel medio.
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Great allround rouber with enough potential for attack. I am playing razka 7 in 2,0 mm on BH. I was looking for a substitute for my addidas p7. Interimswise I played shinning dragon 2,0 mm on my BH. Shinning dragon is good, but razka 7 is even better. I do have good control in block, conter, chop although the razka 7 is quite fast. Topspin against backspin is good. I think I found my preferred BH rubber.
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This was my favorite rubber for a long time. It's a great rubber that does everything really well with great control and consistency. I had it paired with my Nittaku Acoustic 5 Ply wood blade on both the FH and BH sides and felt they were an excellent match as a developing 2 winged looper. Even by today's standard I consider it to have excellent spin and good speed. While it can be used either on the FH or BH sides I think it is slightly better on the BH side with a rubber with a slightly higher throw angle on the FH side. The throw height I would consider to be medium. Not as spinny or good at looping as Tenergy 05 but stronger in the short game and a more balanced rubber. Overall an excellent attacking rubber for offensive players who value control in their game.
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At 2mm on an all wood blade, the ball contact is extremely pleasant, and extremely accurate at low and high speeds. You can get this for 4H at max thick or 2mm for BH and definetely teach any tenergist a few lessons. GREAT FEEL, Great rubber. Up there with Xiom Sigma IIPro, Ten 05/ 05fx, and all the greats, at great price too.
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The ratings on this rubber are completely wrong. I used this rubber in max thickness and it was much slower and less bouncy than P7. The throw angle is super low and it is very difficult to loop underspin.
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Spin on opening loops is just as much as Tenergy 05. Control is better with a much lower throw. less speed but it's faster than most non-pros would ever need.
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I use this in BH on my DHS PG7 when attack this is fast and spinny when block excelent, make the opponent think twice to send heavy spin, :D
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I've been using Rakza 7 max on my FH for the past couple of weeks. As a modern defender, I find this rubber to be extremely well suited for my play style.

First and foremost, while this is a genuine fast-and-spinny offensive rubber, it reacts to heavy topspin almost like a defensive inverted rubber. With it, it is easy to control and return heavy loops. As such, it is great for fishing and, unlike my experience with Yanus and Tackiness Chop, your fished returns have heavy topspin. Also, this rubber has excellent power and control for a flattish drive or smash. You can power through the ball and (to an extent) ignore the spin. Best smashing rubber I've ever used. Beautiful control for counter looping in general. My main problem to date is that it is easy to return heavy topspin with heavier topspin, but much harder to generate topspin off a dead ball. But I've only been using this rubber a short while so might need to adjust my technique.
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Outstanding rubber with great speed and spin without jeopardizing good control of the ball!
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Just got it today. Very nice.
Easy return of chops and pushes
Very spinny serves
Nice for blocking
Hard to control in the beginning
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Wow! This is the rubber I have been looking for my BH! It grabs the ball and returns it with a vicious spin wherever I want on the opponents side! And now I can generate very short, close-to-the-table, low-throw and threatening loops, backspins or undercuts. Congratulations Yasaka!
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A great choice for mid level to pro. An advanced rubber with powerful loops, drives and smash. Very fast rubber that has many grears and great spin. Takes several training sessions to tame this beast but plays much like BTY T05 without the high price of T05. Outstanding for mid distant looping. Good feel with service returns and blocking. 1.8mm best to start with. Outstanding quality. Update: Rakza 7 generates more spin when executing shorter strokes than many attack rubbers. Price to performance ratio is a no brainer compared with T05. Works great on all wood blades in the ALL+, OFF- classes for close to table looping and counter game with power. Some say it has short life, I disagree. Use rubber film and keep it clean for use up to 9 months playing 2X week. Update 2024. Having tested several tensor rubbers from various brands Rakza 7 is the do all tensor for many players. Also works well on OFF class blades as well. Think a tensor with high performance that behaves itself. One step above BTY Rozena with spin and you have Rakza 7.
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alternative for t05 and even better coz the sponge is slightly softer still hard enugh for smash :o)
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Great for heavy spin serves.
Nice control to receive serves.
I find this rubber very easy to control the legnth and direction of my shots.
Still fast enough to put the ball past my opponants with a good smash!
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Good control, good strength, good spin, soft sponge, very easy to play with.
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The most balanced rubber I played with. Very comfortable even for a beginner, has the spin and speed potential even on higher intermediate levels. It can do everything and is very consistent and allows you to develop good technique. Rewards good skill and doesn't punish too much if you make a small mistake. Amazing rubber.
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Very controllable low throw rubber. It feels like 45-46 degree hardness rubber. Dwell time is excellent. Despite the grippy surface, the spin level aren't the best nor the worst. But it's super forgiving. Only recommended those who likes rubbers with low throw angle
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Im a 2000 rated player. I bought this rubber for someone else to use on their Donic True Original Carbon(outer red) in Max both sides. This rubber is fast enough for finishing shots but its not THE fastest out there. There comes a time where more speed isnt really the question. I think R7 is fast enough. Its extremely easy to play. Placing the ball easy. high level of control. Blocks extremely easy. Spin is good but not DHS H3 neo or K3 good. grip is maybe little less than G1 and DHS GA8 but I can still make serves that frustrates my opponents easily. Its way better than Rozena in all ways as a example. any 1900 rated player or less would love this rubber and the limitations would be on the player not the rubber. However it for sure needs a fast blade unless your a beginner. If your beginner get this rubber on a all wood blade. you will learn TT rally quick this way. But on a fast blade this rubber can kick some serious butt too. Dont be fooled into thinking this is a slow boring rubber. I felt super safe, precise and in control with it. While doing all my tricks, flips and loops like I used to on much more so called advanced blades and rubbers. Its a classic for a reason.
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Brilliant Rubber for Backhand.
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Great Rubber, still testing it but so far I like it.
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a faster Mark V. Helps you develop everything. Block will just put the ball in the net is just amazing. The rubber is of high quality. Stroke should be a bit more of a hybrid chinese requiring full swing to dig in the harder sponge. The sponge is a mediume hard including a thick topsheet that requires of a bit of a chinese stroke. Serving requires a bit of skill to get a lot of spin.
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I like this rubber. It is lively yet controllable. With its grippy surface and medium high throw angle, it is good for loop attack. Blocks are excellent.
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Soft feeling, high throw, good control, medium power. Really nice rubber. Use it on my backhand to safe play.
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One of the best rubber for offensive players. Long lasting rubbers, spin, block everything will be perfect by using this rubber. My favorite.
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I use Buttery Cypress Max blade (Pen-hold). Compared to Tibhar MXP, Rakza 7 shows less spin and speed, but it is lighter. The control is nice. The durability is relatively poor compared to Nittaku G1, Tibhar ELP, and Tibhar MXP. Overall, the rubber is relatively light among those Europe or Japan rubbers with hardness of 47 degree, and it is a balanced rubber. It is in good control and has equal performance in spin and speed.
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Still holds up to modern standards. Very durable, pleasant feel with good grip, slightly bouncy (just enough for BH). This rubber is suited for almost any level. Would not recommend it to people in their first year of playing and top players might find it not agressive enough. This rubber is about 47.5 degrees hard and has small pores (slight catapult effect) and the topsheet is relatively soft. You can make a lot spin but it also reacts strongly to incoming spin. Enough power for short to the table play, far from table it's a bit slower but very controllable with it's high arc. Best on flexible blades for its spin potential! This rubber helps step up your BH game tremendously!
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Hi. They are excellent, they have superb effects. From my note 10
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the most easy to play rubber
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Good consistent performance.

Have been using it on backhand for 2+ years. Good control in blocking and for learning basic strokes.

Have also played with Rakza 9, Mark V, and Tenergy 80 on backhand. This has been my favorite.
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Awesome control and spin. Enough speed for an offensive game. A great do it all rubber. Drive, block, top spin, push, serve, all are so easy. Perfect pairing with Donic Appelgreem World Championship 89.
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Sorprendente goma!!! Muy buen control, excelente velocidad y efecto.
Gran bloqueo y muy buena salida a media distancia.
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9.5/10 for OFF style. FH: Yasaka Rakza 7, 2mm, 46g (0.225g/cm^2), 47.5 degrees (ESN), 37.5 degrees (Shore A). BH: Yasaka Rakza 7 Soft, 2.2mm, 44g (0.217g/cm^2), 39.5 degrees (ESN), 33 degrees (Shore A). Blade: Butterfly Primorac Carbon, 88g, 157mm x 150mm x 6.9mm (Width x Height x Thickness). Plies: 5 (3 Wood + 2 Composite): Hinoki - Tamca - Kiri - Tamca - Hinoki.
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A very good rubber for my backhand blocking, smashing and looping. Relatively cheap and durable.
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English:One of the best rubbers for me. I prefer most Tenergy series rubber. The rubber have impressive spin and speed. It depends on your control blade. I played with XVT Archer-B and Clipper Cr WRB. The Archer-B was very controlled and satisfying in terms of speed. Clipper is faster than Archer-B but has the same control because
Clipper = 7.1x Archer-B price.
Turkish=Benim iin en iyi kauuklardan biri. ou Tenergy serisi kauua tercih ederim. Kauuun etkileyici bir spini ve hz var. Kontrol banza bal. XVT Archer-B ve Clipper Cr WRB ile oynadm. Archer-B hz asndan ok kontroll ve tatminkar. Clipper, Archer-B'den daha hzldr, ancak Clipper = 7.1x Archer-B fiyat nedeniyle ayn kontrole sahip.
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Excellent rubber for topspin loops...
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A good rubber with long dwell time (maybe too long, if used on wood blade). Its throw angle suggests its meant for looping, not hitting or punching. Most would prefer it on backhand. I use it on my forehand at the moment because of its controllability.
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This rubber is very suitable for looping both bh and fh
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Ratings for 2.2mm. Similar to tenergy, a bit easier to use. 47g.
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Good spin and grip
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Excelent backhand rubbers. Top spin, flick, smash, even chop. You can do almost any stroke wtih this rubber. It's a keeper for me...
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High speed and spin with great control. I'm an allround player I liked it's control but it's too fast for me. My first 2 hours playing so far and I hit a lot too long shots. Because of it's speed, I'm not very happy with blocking. Very good to open the game after backspin shots due to it's high spin, very good on spiny offensive hits. Excellent rubber for aggressive players!!!
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This is a fantastic rubber, i use 2.0mm on german korbel. The rubber is fast, short pushes , short game, mid distance loop is super.i would not recommend on very hard or very stiff blades as the rubber is medium hard.
The bouncy short game issue with tensors and tenergy is not here. This is not a tensor rubber
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Mutlaka denemelisiniz
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It's a good rubber especially if you used it with long pips, because its high spin.
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Great tenergy 05 alternative with exceptional close to net play. wonderful at blocking and receiving spinny serves .U can make a lot of spinny serves plays like a tenergy 05 with less speed but more spin and great control.Initially started using on the forehand and as my forehand got better and better transitioned from medium hard to hard rubber battle 2 and started using this rubber on BH where it performed very good. Highly durable rubber great grip on polyballs excellent for BH. u can play close to table far away from table with same response.My blade is YEO Power 7 hard blade but flexible one with great looping ability.This is my match set up battle 2 on FH and Rakza 7 on BH. Works great for me
once rakza 7 wears off will try the shining dragon on the BH.
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Got two R7 recently and they are really different from the old R7, less power/control and the sponge pore seemed to be bigger...not sure what's happened to R7 but I'm concerned about the quality control and don't think I will come back to it again.
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Far impressive from all the ratings mentioned about this rubber.
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Nice attack rubber, very fast and a lot of spin... i can make many variations of speed, actually i use it on my FH on a joola K5 blade
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Feels and plays very well. Best backhand rubber Ive used to date.
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Control and spin is good, comfort for FH.
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Not same to t05.
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This will now be my rubber of choice. Using it on my fh in 2.0 and the soft 2.0 version on my backhand. I'm using a M. Maze offensive and it is very nice. Loops good on either side with a medium throw. I'm No professional so take this review with a grain of salt. Will update on the life and performance later on.
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great rubber its fast and it had a lot of spin good for offensive players that want to try something else than tenergy
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This rubber is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I found my permanent forehand rubber. Tried 2.0 black on time boll spirit. Awesome combination. Very powerful rubber, great control for a fast rubber. Not spin sensitive, yet produces heavy spin. Descent for chops and blocks. Generates heavy power loops and powerful smashes.
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now my perminent fh rubber use to buy cheap rubbers but started trying different rubbers people say its like tenergy i say its better in every aspect get so much spin
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Rakza 7 is the best rubber which I used for my FH. It's very good topspin rubber like T05 and is good for smashing but when you want to play short chop or drive the ball goes to the middle of the table, so it is a little bit fast rubber. I use this rubber on the carbon blade so topspins are fast enough but it lost control.

This rubber is very good for topspin players who play in the median distance from a table.

I think I will used this rubber for my FH. Topspins are very similar than T05.
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I have this rubber on a ma lin soft carbon and is thw best rubber I have ever used
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High control, lots of gears to work with, very good at blocking high spin loops. Recommended . Using on fh on donic waldner carbon
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A solid attacking rubber. Heavy. Uncontrollable in chopping. Sure, it's an attacking rubber--but the Xiom SEII is faster, spinnier, and better for chopping.
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very good rubber, does everyting very well, excellint for looping also great control. sponge is porous and topshet is very durable and feels elastic too. i was playing xiom pro before, and i can tell they play exactly the same, vega has bit more spin and power at all areas. question is which brand do u favour. i am confused i think yasaka fh, xiom bh makes no difference. i forgot to mention they are made in the same factory!
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a lot of people say its better then tenergy and i agree. you never get tired of this helpful tool and is unreplaceable. Its way cheaper then tenergy and its worth it
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I love the Rakza series. I use the Rakza 7 2.0 mm on my BH. There's plenty of spin and speed for my strong, flicky stroke, and provides nice spin in my serves. On my FH, I find I need just a tad more dwell time, so I use Rakza 7 soft in max. I have been using Rakza for almost a year and a half, and haven't found anything I like better. It's durable, spinny, and has a nice throw angle, yet handles chops and pushes without the catapult effect you get with Tenergy.
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Great rubber! My style is attacking game on both wings, with active blocking and counter hitting.
After trying various rubbers (T64, T64fx, T25, T05fx, Andro Hexers, Palio Thor, Xiom Omega IV Pro and Europe, to mention just a few) I've found the best backhand rubber in Yasaka Rakza 7. I've been using it for 5 months now. I started with max, then 2.0mm but 1.8 mm has been the best so far. It is difficult to source (1.8mm) in Europe thou. Import from US is a bit pricey but worth it.
It offers perfect feel for short play, return of the serve is well controlled. It is fast. For me the Max is too fast for controlled game. However, 1.8 is fast enough for very effective attacking bh push. But the real advantage comes when you want to play an opening loop against the chop. So easy! BH top spin with this rubber is decent too, max or 2.0 is more suited for this shot. Whichever sponge thickness you choose it will give you a lot of control, but 1.8mm gives you the most in this department. It has an ideal throw angle for backhand, not too linear, not too high. Again if you play close to the table, or up to 1m away, 1.8mm is perfect. If your game is further away go for 2.0mm, or max. Blocking is easy and well controlled with any sponge thickness. I've tried Rakza 7 SOFT 1.8 as well. However, my personal preference is Rakza 7 1.8mm. But then I've always liked medium hard rubbers...
It's a perfect match to BF Innerforce ZLC and for me works the best with BF Tenergy 05 1.9mm on the other side. That's my league set up. For fun play I use Innerforce ZLC with Rakza 7 2.0 on bh and Tenergy 05 2.1 on fh. Try it you won't be disappointed.
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I put it on TBS for FH. I have tried many rubbers to replace T05 and spent lots of money. This is the one I will say it's T05 replacement. The throw angle is lower but practicing will comfort your style.
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One of the best rubbers I've used. Consistency is the key point of this rubber. Yes it provides speed and spin to your shots, but it is very consistent. You can almost rely entirely on this rubber to land shots on the table. Good forehand rubber.
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pro rubber, if you make mistakes is your fault, don't blame it;D fast, resistant, high spin. cool rubber. exactly what i've expected.
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use in my FH to replace my DHS H3 Neo..take sometimes to change from chinese loop style to euro/jap style..after get used to it, it feels like i tamed the beast...really good rubber
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i am not a very pro, but this is great.
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very nice balance in speed spin and control, make playing getting consistancy.
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highly recommended!!
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I m a medium player using innerforce zlc. Before this i used tenergy 64 for both side. Cant control it. Its too fast for me for the fh.
R7 is great for me. It not as fast as T64 but just nice speed. The smash just amazing. Faster than T64 and xiom pro.block i prefer t64. Control very good compare to t64. I think its an arround rubber. Easy to play with it
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The rubber is great but the throw angle is so high that only after i returned to my coppa platin rubber i understood how much it destroyed my game.... I used it on Mazunov blade and i had to sell the rubber.
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i use it on fb the soft version on bh...this thing is fast and spinny!!! good control better than tenergy ...more linear than tenergy ...meaning better short game
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I have been wanting this rubber for so long. Really good rubber with a good sound. I am a Mark V fan and I wanted to try this from Yasaka and I am not disappointed.
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My preferite rubber for forehand. Good speed, a lot of spin. Very great rubber.
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This rubber is realy realy realy great for players who likes to play allround + this rubber feels like tensor and has a great sound and is controlled like Something Strong specie ... Great for every kind of play :)
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A very complete rubber. High spin and very fast. It takes time to control it but when you do it is a deadly weapon. Also is quite heavy so isn't a good idea to glue it in a heavy blade. What I really like of this rubber is its consistency. You can do almost everything good with this beauty!
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Good Rubber. Not very durable. Now it is very smooth, after 6 months. In the begin a very spinny rubber, but after some time it is useless.
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Fantastic rubber!
Is very fast with a lot of spin.
Very good control.
Topspins and chop is very good. Also impressing is the serve-returns. VERY fun to loop with.I recomended this rubber for forehand, but it is good on the backhand too.
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Great rubber. I'm a good player still learning though but I got this on my backhand and it's amazing. It didn't take me long to get used to it. I can put crazy spins on this rubber and it's very fast. I'm so happy I picked this rubber.
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I spent a bit of time looking an alternative to the Tenergy rubbers. Rakza 7 is not an alternative... its better!
It gives you all the qualities of T05, with more control and at half the price. It was a pretty simple decision for me.
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i used and trust Mark V rubber, i think i should try this one...
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I am a long time tenergy 05 user, and this rakza rubber will now be replacing it. The spin is huge, like the t 05, but control seems much better. The tenergy would get a little wild in high speed/spin exchanges, where the rakza seems a bit more stable. It's got the qualities I like about the t05-the outrageous spin, without the qualities I dont- the price and the unpredictability. At half the price of the tenergy, it's more than worth the money. Excellent product
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this rubber is a very good rubber it has sublime control you can destroy your opponent with heavy spin serves topspins blocks re-topspins this rubber is one of the best allround-rubbers in the world everyone can play with this!!!
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Using with Stiga Offensive NCT 2mm on FH. Huge spin on serves and opening loops. I can generate great spin with this rubber. Sponge is medium, feels around 35. Good speed and power for FH away from table. Control and short game good for tensor
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good rubber for:
-chopping(if you can handle it)
good combination of speed,spin and control (if you unify it with a proper blade)
I'm using it on my Waldner Senso Carbone blade-2,0mm on both sides.
Good equipment is only 50% of success, another 50% depends from you.

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I like this rubber. It has excellent speed, spin and control. I strongly recommend it.
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I try this ruber in RSM platinum specail and cypress Max, and I found the rubber is fantastic in both spin and speed. The serve is easily control and can make a deep or speedy serve, the receive is also fine. The durability is average. The onlcy concern is the gluing. more glue is needed to stick the rubber to the hinoki blades
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I have tried t05-Acuda S1-Baracuda-hexer all on fh of andro all+ blade rakza 7 has more spin than all rubbers listed speed is second to Acuda s1 throw is high like t05 7 has more control than hexer and t05 same as s1. My ranking in spin.
1 rakza 7 (Yasaka)
2 Tenergy 05 (Butterfly)
3 Acuda S1 (Donic)
4 Baracuda (Donic)
5 Hexer (Andro)
1 Acuda S1
2 Rakza 7
3 Tenergy 05
4 Hexer
5 Baracuda
1 Baracuda
2 Rakza
3 Acuda s1
4 T05
5 Hexer
Top three are real close in play just s1 throw angle is lower.
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Use it om my bh. 1.8mm. Very Good rubber. Little bit slower than tenergy. I have tenergy 05 1.0 mm om fh. My blade is à waldner senso carbon.
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I m yasaka fan since mark v time. Now i bought this new generation from yasaka. I really love it's consistency of control and spin. As yasaka rubbers are very good in control, this razka 7 produce really good control. razka 7 can produce more spin than mark v for both rally and serving. Overall it's the great rubber. Recommended for all higher level players
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get used to it and you'll have a predictable straight to the point controlled game. amazing.. try!!!
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In the first time in very hard, but after 1 week the sponge transform in medium hard.

the rubber have very spin and is fast in special to smashing.

Is very good to shot topspin and attack in straight path. easy to control. realy is good rubber.

I use the rubber with Michael Maze (arilate carbon)
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I hover between the Rakza7 and Tenergy 05 on my forehand. Rakza is slightly better for smashing while Tenergy is slightly better for looping. R7 is great for serves. Pushing I probably prefer Tenergy 05 a bit more only because I prefer the Timo Boll ZLC blade it is on. While the R7 is on a Stiga CarboKev blade. Both rubbers have good dwell time with T05 only slightly longer due to its spring sponge. All in all Rakza 7 is a top class rubber and I thoroughly recommend it. The key is to ensure you put it on a blade that suits your play.
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I have been using it for a week and I found the rubber to be incredibly consistent... Pace is slower than Rasanter c48 predominantly becoz of lesser catapult. High control and all-round rubber. Very good for developing strokes. I have paired it with Andro Trieber FO/S and pace is like little slow for my liking... But a definite purchase for developing strokes. For a new person this will do really well . Can't go wrong with this

Edit : I feel for a pretty hard hitting player , it's quite on the slower side , spin is less ... Sometimes the sponge kicks in without spin and ball shoots off . Felt inconsistent after 2 months use
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Incredibly consistent and controlled rubbers. They are fast, but not too tacky, and are easy to block with, as they don't return as much spin as other rubbers in this price range. I would recommend these rubbers to any intermediate players (such as myself when I got them) looking to improve their consistency while moving to a faster and more responsive setup.
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Brilliant Rubber
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I've used this rubber for 4-5 months (playing 15-20h per week on average) on my fh before changing it with Rakza Z. The rubber has good grip, the weight is pretty average(mine is 50g) and the sponge feels relatively soft(according to Yasaka the sponge is 47 degrees but it feels softer than this). Consistency and control are 2 key words when describing this rubber. It's very easy to use and to generate good speed and spin with good dwell time. A great all-around rubber, suitable for every level and style of play. The price, quality and durability makes it one of the best rubbers in my opinion. Mine is still playable. I've switched to Rakza Z out of curiosity. I'm still keeping it as a backup.
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Ive had this rubber for 3 months and this is what I think.
The rubber has a nice and grippy top sheet with a sponge hardness of 50esn. The rubber is great on my backhand and is a very balanced rubber. The control on this rubber is absolutely INSANE! You wont believe how much control you can get unless you try it. The speed is decent but not as fast as other European rubbers. The rubber has a very high arc and when you do a short ball push, the ball will bounce right up.The spin is good but I find it very hard to master flicks. Overall great rubber for beginners or intermediate players.
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Control is good. Not a fast rubber which is why the control is good. It is not as spinny or as powerful as Fastarc G1, Donic M1, Victas V15 Extra or Tenergy of course. i wont recommend it to people who are loopers cos the spin is not damaging or ferocious enough to unsettle your opponents, unless you are a very high level player.

It performs well in smashing and blocking. The rubber absorbs the spin and drives from your opponents well enough for your blocks to remain low most of the time. Smashes are easy cos of the medium arc the rubber projects.

Now I understand why so many people use this for their BH instead. It excels in CONTROL...albeit at the expense of spin and power. This is not strong enough for me to use as a FH rubber, but I can see how good it is as my BH rubber.

Looping is not its strength. It doesnt have enough power to cause a lot of damage cos its simply not spinny enough when compared to Fastarc G1, Donic M1, Victas V15 Extra or Tenergy. Yes, due to its good control, most of the time the ball will land safely when you loop but the lack of spin and power will be easily blocked or counter looped by opponents, negating all your loops.

Conclusion: If you want Rubber that has good CONTROL and slower, this is a good one. If you are a looper and rely mostly on looping to win points, look elsewhere.
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Great value for a relatively fast and spinny rubber without sacrificing much control at all. Can feel the sponge engage using the max thickness
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I'd say this is a cheaper option for those who doesnt want to invest in a Butterly rubber. Rakza7 cannot do anything special, but for the price paid its a decent rubber. Recommended on any level. (Only downside is that the sides tend to crumble down easily and it can be quite annoying)
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I highly recommend this rubber. This rubber has improved my game dramatically.
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I like so much this rubber, It feels very good, very light rubber also the toughest topsping in the TT
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very good speed and spin for the price!!!
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amazing rubber i know ise it on both side
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I didn't like it. Prefer the Xiom Vega series or the Andro Rasant Grip.
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Speed: average (8.9).
Spin: average (9.2).
Control: high (9.3).
Tackiness: slightly tacky (2).
Weight: average (45g, 0.224g/cm^2).
Sponge hardness: medium hard (51/38).
Top sheet hardness: medium hard (53/40).
Gears: average (5).
Throw: medium high (5.8).
Consistency: always identical (10).
Durability: average durability (5).
Top sheet thickness: thick (1.8mm).
Surface thickness: thick (0.9mm).
Pip length: medium (0.9mm).
Pip width: wide (1.8mm).
Pip spacing: dense (0.6mm).
Overall: good (9.3).
Value: average (5).
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Fantastic rubber for my forehand. The speed is very similar to the Tenergy 64. Very fast and with plenty of control.
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Been trying out a lot of rubbers recently (Rasant, T25fx, Hexer Duo, Acuda S2 & T80), but Razka 7 is the best of the lot. I heard it was great, but I have been surprised by just how much control you get, particularly on the block, for such a fast and spiny rubber. Great for BH or FH. Highly recommended.
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I had Rakza7 for quite some time on my Andro OFF+ blade, but mostly played with other more defensive blade (I like to chop). Recently by chance, I started looping with the Andro OFF+ with Rakza7 and wow, it has a lot of spin. You can lift the heavy backspin with it fairly easy. Compared to Tenergy, it's a bit more softer and tackier and it feels lighter than Tenergy. I like the fact that if you block with it, it takes the opponent's spin and reverses it pretty well, so the ball doesn't fly over the table if you block heavy shot with a little upwards move.
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Well, this rubber may be a little hard to get in the start because of its speed. But after some trainning sessions, it begins to be quite easy to play with. The throw is medium-low. Spin? High, mainly in sidespin loops. Is it a good alternative to tenergy? YES.
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An excellent rubber that i would recommend to any blocker or attacking player . Great combo of spin and speed , with the extra grip of the ball providing greater control .
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