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66 Reviews for Tibhar Evolution MX-S

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Bought this already the same day. Waiting seemed very long:-)
Having played Evolution-rubbers before, ALL of them, except FX-P, with Rasant itself and Rasant grip as my favorites, this was way beyond what i was expecting. Its exactly (and iREALLY mean this, a mix of Tenergy 05 and Fastarc G1!
And since they are my favorite rubbers, this was a blast. Speed is just exactly like i want it, and as i am a offensive spinattackingplayer that likes to take a step back from the table,i adore this. i think it leans towards spin rather than speed, but i dont mean slow. Far from slow.Just behind MX-P. The rubber showes and shines like a tailored costum. Having played like 20 times with it now, i dont can see a better rubber anywhere, and i have tested 130 rubbers. The hard low sidespin a step back from the table that almost no one has taken is a dream. A dream that comes often.
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One of the best rubbers manufactured ever for forehand topspin. The spin generated is immense but one needs to know the right technique. Once you adapt to it you would not even go for tenergy. Works very well with Timo Boll alc blade. However you need to re glue it after a while. One must definitely give it a try.
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Very much heavy, sheet is 73 gram. Better or same as rubber (for example xiom vega japan) weigh much much less.
Also edges of rubber break after a little use.

It is very fast and there is spin but little control. Good for forehand. Also good price but too much weight and throw inconsistent
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Great quality, beautiful red sponge. Spinny, slower than acuda blue p2 or joola maxxx-p on the short game because of soft topsheet, but as spinny as P2 (as spinny as it gets) and as fast or even faster on flat hits or power loops because of the Red Power (medium hard) Sponge. Great for BH blocking, pushing, looping and topspins at close to middle distance from the table. Using max thickness and an off to off+ blade you could get it to produce awesome, tenergy-competing speed and spin with great consistency far from the table too. Serves can be deadly. Good price also. Vladi Samsonov plays Tibhar MX series on both wings. However for lower level club or competition play I reccommend 2.0 thickness on BH using an all+ 5ply wood blade. I used it with Yasaka Sweden Extra and really love the variations and Allroundness of MX-S. Real must try. Also, this is one of the few non ESN rubbers that really compete with Tenergy at the top levels, and the construction is also more similar to Tenergies than to ESN tensors due to it having more natural rubber on the topsheet, and a really premium quality red sponge (like Tenergy's).
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rly nice rubber, great with plastic balls. i play on some wood blade and rly good. easy first spin, power topspin or side spins with nice rotation. pasive block easy active too.
rubber for everyone with very good attribute. if y play with plastics balls buy this rubber


after 3 months MX-S ready to switch for new. i feel litle problem with slow loops. durability is lower than rasant grip, t05, but better then bluedire jp02 or xiom OVEU.
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i was play with donic blue fire m1 turbo in my FH and now with mx-s is amazing the spin and control the speed is less than the blue fire but still fast.
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Wow. A rubber that has the spin of a tacky chinese rubber, and the power of a esn-rubber made in germany. This you have to try...weird esn-sponge mixed with super-spinny surface!
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very similar to the MX-P a little bit less speed and a little bit more spin great for forehand topspin because its very fast but still has extremely high amounts of spin very good for serving
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Update with another blade (ALC) and the result is different: no more issue with FH, ball is keeping same curve whatever the arm speed thus more consistent on this harder wood. Thus depending on which blade you use it may be better for FH or BH. Definitely a good rubber in any case

I am using the MX-P on BH on Stiga Celero, replacing my long time favorite on both sides Vega pro (also reviewed). I will therefore try to make a comparison between both:
MXS feels a little bit harder and is heavier. Spin is very similar. Throw angle of VP is higher. Sensitivity to incoming spin is higher on VP thus more control on MXS for me on the BH.
Power/speed: With smaller arm movements (e.g. BH) the MX-S is faster but with full power the VP is much more powerful !!! And also more consistent, indeed I have the feeling that the more power I give (full arm), the lowest the throw angle is (with MXS) and my FH topspins were always very close to the net (or in the net....). With the VP the faster I move, the faster the ball is going and always with identical angle, it is very linear and proportional to arm speed. In the end, I tried the MXS as a potential replacement of my VP on the FH but I will only use it on the BH. MXS gives me some benefits: less sensitive to spin and lower throw thus easier for blocks, and I don't have the fast arm / low throw angle issue with my BH.
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Have been using it on Xiom Vega Euro blade as a forehand rubber for more than 3 months. Prviously I used a second hand Tenergy 05. Spin of MX-S is almost the same or higher than 05, speed is lower and control is higher. As a spin oriented player, I like it but when it comes to weight and catapult , it frequently fails and then suddenly you long for 05. However whe you receive a side spin serve, you trust more on MX-S. Briefly, there is some thing missing in this rubber compared with 05, which is weight and catapult effect in my opinion. I recommend it to those who have very fast loop, quick feet and spin lover....
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Excelent spin and block, very good short game. A great rubber to forehand
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Very similar to Yasaka Rakza X.Excellent no complaints...
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I switched from MX-P to MX-S max on both wings. MX-S sponge is a bit harder but topsheet is softer than MX-P. It has less catapult, more spin and is a bit slower than MX-P. Very good grip, easier to handle in short-short or serves. Massive spin for topspins.
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After having played for years with MX-P, I expected this rubber to have more spin and similar playing characteristics. Because of my playing style capabilities and strokes for some reason I found it to have less spin and less control than the venerable MX-P. This is a great rubber. It is heavy like the MX-P, but for some reason it did not suit me at all. Nothing wrong with the rubber. It just does not suit me. I will take the MX-P over this rubber any day of the week and in my opinion, the MX-P outperforms outplays and outshines this rubber by wide margin.
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Very good rubber after 1 month. I was using a Xiom Vega China as my last rubber, was looking for a more durable and with litlle bit more tensor effect rubber. MXS did it. It is very controllable, although it has a tensor, it is not that unwanted and impredictable from other tensor rubbers. You put the ball exactly where you want. Blocks are just as you expect. Top spins are amazing and easy to do due to the tensor. Just lost a little bit on serve compared to Vega China, you have to put a little extra effort if you really want to complicate your opponent, but on general is very spinny. Just think it could be a little bit harder, since VC is really hard and I like it, but already got used to, not difficult. Really top rubber.
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I have been using the Tibhar MXS in 1.9 on my backhand (mostly) for around 6 months now.
I use it on a Donic True Inner Carbon blade.
This is a fantastic rubber that excels at top spins, drives, flicks, blocks, chop blocks, and even punches.
Unsurprisingly, it's crispier and more direct than the Yasaka Rakza Z (MAX) I use on the forehand.
Banana and strawberry flicks are particularly enjoyable, as well as loops and counters, and blocks/punches.
Flat hits, smashes, and short touches are also very good quality, while I find it a little harder to execute classic chops.
The only main drawback I find is its durability is okay. After using it for 6 months about 8 hours per week I can tell the spin has started to reduce, while my Yasaka Rakza Z seems to be more durable.
Overall, it's an outstanding rubber!
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This is my first time I played a different brand other than Andro rasanter.
I played With R47, R42 and R37. But I wanted something else that was less bouncy/catapult from the rubber and lower thorw angle. Special de R47 was way to hot for me to handle. I play close to the table or just a bit away as I play aggresive with LP.
When I frist played with the MX-S it felt real different. It felt like the rubber realy grips the ball when you hit it.
It felt very well. I could control where the ball went in slow play but also when spinning.
I don't use very long attacking strokes as I play close to the table and need to recover back in time :)
I have problems with high arc rubbers or very bouncy/catapult ones. This one seems perfect.
It might not be as fast but fast enough for me.
The complete bat was 2 gram heavier (134g) than with FS Battle II (132g)
I can't say much about durability.
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This rubber is phenomenal! It offers unbridled power and speed but almost deliberate control on every shot. It is almost immune from oncoming spin and the output is directly proportionate to the players input. Loops, pushes, blocks, flicks, topspin, service game its all there with MX-S!
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Power, spin and low flight ball it is all what I need on my forhend attacking looper style. Use it on tibhar force pro samsonov black edition blade.
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Great mix for spinny loopers and those who like to counter as well. Serves and receives are great. Blocking is cake and flipping/opening are easy. Great to loop with, great to chop with and just about everything is prefect except for two things. 1. Weight 2. Re-gluing makes it shrink like 2 millimeters. Very stretched but controlled rubber. You have to work but it pays dividends.
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Hello here is my first review for MX-S rubbers , got two sheets of them with maximum 2.1 mm sponge attached them on my old stratus powerwood blade, considering that i upgrades from softer rubbers ( andro rasant bh, dhs hurricane 8 mid-hard) first of all, after the first hold and first few balls i found that the blade is really heavier than before, stratus PW notorious for head heavy, and also mx-s are one of the heaviest! giving the whole combo good power when playing with good technique and fast full movement, the main problem till now is that i am not finding myself well yet, i dont have the same control as before for BH, MX-S is not forgiving at all, u should play very good technique to get sth from this rubber, till now i can't generate that enormous spin that i heard about, the spin i generate is good , almost like the one with DHS or fastarc G-1 , but it is harder to obtain that amount, i didn't find mx-s as very fast rubber, it is just speed enough when u play good technique, if you play passively this rubber is almost dead, noting that i am using all-wood 5 plies blade.. the best thing so far with this rubber is the serve recieve and small touches.. it's so controllable with good feeling to place the ball in desired spot while keeping it short.. i played for 4 sessions till know, the rubber needs to be cleaned to maintain its grip quality, i think i need to develop my physical skills to fit this rubber more.. and hope i will decode its secrets with more training sessions.
still not fan of it,
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This is more durable, forgiving and spinner than an mxp, but if you are looking for good spin and control, mxs probably should be the third option in the $40-$60 range, after *donic bluefire m3* ( which is insane control and spin even for backhand far away from the table) & razka 7 ( similar more durable ).... Good BH option
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Quality and fun to play with. Using Max. Speed and spin thumbs up!!! All 10's in my book.
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Excellent rubber, with an absurd spin, very good speed, and a wonderful grip on the ball. It's one of the rubbers that I had the easiest time in spin matter, both yours and against opponent backspin. And the blocking with it is also very good.
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Rubber seems to have it's own identity and personality and definitely in a league by itself. Great rubber with many gears!!! Awesome speed acceleration with very good control. Using MAX thickness on a Donic Waldner World Champion '89 Blade. What makes this COMBINATION standout is the blocking and ball placement comes easy with nice touch and feel and the top sheet grips the ball like no other. Very spinny and powerful as you want it to be as long as proper technique and skills are used. Very easy to open up with this rubber. Produces a nice spinny curve with correct wrist and arm movement. Flicking also seems to be easier. 5 BIG STARS AND A HUGE 10.
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It took me 2 days to understand this rubber. Its not for beginner, but once you get a hold to it, it will be one the best out there. You need to develop a technique/stroke to be able to optimize this unicorn. It is in the same level with T05. Better than Acuda and Yasaka. I use this rubber as forehand in my Yasaka Reinforce LT (and Rakza 9 in my BH). I was so disappointed in the first day i was using it. But I did not give up and continue playing with it until I figured it out. This rubber is very explosive !
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Not a rubber for me. I am to old and not that fit to handle this kind of rubber. Very heavy and hard, the sponge seems almost as compact as the topsheet. Cant do spinny serves whit it and for most of the times close to table, when trying to be offensive, missing the table. From distance i really like it though. Very powerful and spinny when hiting hard.
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Tibhar Evolution MX-S, I am using max thickness, black sheet on my forehand side, mounted on a Tibhar, Drinkhall defense classic blade.
So far I have found that I can create high topspin levels when lifting backspin balls to my forehand, good technique is still required. high spin, brushed' topspin shots can have significant amounts of spin imparted on them, very difficult for an opponent to control.Regarding speed, the rubber is fast, not the fastest, but more than enough speed, even when mounted on a defensive blade. When you open up with forehand loops and forehand side spin loops during more open play the results are excellent, good speed and kick, high spin. If you are able to use your legs, hips, chest rotation and accelerate into the ball with arm and wrist at impact then really good fast and spinning loops can be performed. Flatter topspin shots, are fast, crisp and accurate, not so much spin, but this is due to the fact that the ball is not brushed as much during flat hit shots, acceleration / pace and accuracy is really good.
Counter topspin shots (short swing firm topspin strokes) can be performed with good consistency as well. (if you're quick enough to get in position!!!).
So that's the offensive part!!Defensive and passive play,
Control is good, the rubber and sponge combination has medium / medium high throw, so you can still play direct fast blocks, lighten your grip, get over the incoming ball and you can play controlled slower blocks that can take the pace off of the incoming ball. Pushing is fine, good control.
All push variants can be played with confidence, soft / short, long, early pushes just after the incoming ball hits your side of the table, no spin / floating pushes, aggressive back spin pushes and side spin pushes. I feel that I get good feed back / feeling from the rubber and blade during short game/ passive play.
Serving, All good, depending on your service technique, great spin!!!
All in all a great rubber.
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Ratings for 2.15mm. Very similar to mx-p, just a tiny bit harder.
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If your looking for the ultimate all around rubber for the modern game with the plastic ball this is the one .You get all the benefits of the modern tensor and the short game of an old school rubber .It's an harder and better mx-p .T05 still a better rubber for looping but the mx-s is more all around and easier to play .Glued on a stiga oc it's a spin monster ,block are crispy ,chop are easy to do and the speed is a bit faster than a T05 .No rubber is perfect but this one come close to perfection .
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The S series of thibar evolution is the most similar to tenergy so far, fast, good spin, consistent, sound and pleasant sensation, medium angle, good topspin, all the strokes are consistent and easy to execute, sensation of medium hardness, feels a little softer than evo el-s, possibly by upper layer, very good, very similar to tenergy 80
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My fh-rubber on my Stiga Clipper CR WRB. Top ten rubbers all time. Fits my style perfect. Spinnier than MX-P, but a tad slower. Spin out of this world!
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Feel soft,low throw, good service and short game, but not inave power in long distance.Good close to the table,less catapult than mx-p.Weight is less than mx-p.This is my first impression, after 4 hours training,now reglued and tomorrow again, I'm hope tomorrow is going better with falko glue-3 lears. After one week, I'm feel this is hard rubber,low,low trow, good very close to the table, brush topspin,China stile rubber,you need a very good footwork,not forgiving rubber,not for my playing style (I'm not from China)))), I'm back to my lazy European rubber,sorry China, sorry Ma Long )))!!!
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I tried MX-S on BH, great for blocking and hitting. Then I tested with my FH, and you know it's really good! It's very linear, very little catapult effect, so with a good arm, you can really shoot huge topspin. The amount of spin is even better than T05 (which is my actual FH) The only issue is the weight. I might keep up with this one when I'll change my T05.
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This rubber fits right in the middle between tensor and tacky rubbers, its a nice transition rubber tons of spin in serves, flicks, topspin/topspin rallies, etc. Should try If you like hard and spinny rubbers but you lack of strength for a tacky rubber.
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Speed: 9.5
Spin (European Style): 9.1
Control: 8.7
Weight: 49g in 2.2 (0.243g/cm^2)
Hardness (DHS): 37.5
Gears: 2.6
Throw: 6.4
Fast Loop: 9.3
Slow Loop: 9.1
Counter Loop: 9
Touch: 8.6
Block: 8.5
Smash: 9
Slice/Chop: 9
Serve: 9
Flip/Flick: 9.4
Available Sponge Thickness: 1.75/1.95/2.15
Durability: 5.2
Value: 7.6
Overall: 9.1
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Yo uso MxS color rojo grosor max en cuchilla yeo7 off+ , cuesta mucho acostumbrase al control y efecto. Goma dura y pesada. Pero una vez acostumbrado tiene un efecto increble
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Another on the top 10 list, this spin-elastic monster doesnt need any presentation. Everything have already been said.
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Speed: high (9.3).
Spin: high (9.4).
Control: average (9.2).
Tackiness: slightly tacky (2).
Weight: medium heavy (49g, 0.243g/cm^2).
Sponge hardness: medium hard (52/39).
Top sheet hardness: hard (55/43).
Gears: average (5).
Throw: medium high (6.1).
Consistency: always identical (9).
Durability: average durability (5).
Top sheet thickness: average (1.7mm).
Surface thickness: average (0.8mm).
Pip length: medium (0.9mm).
Pip width: average (1.7mm).
Pip spacing: dense (0.6mm).
Overall: good (9.5).
Value: average (5).

Slower than MX-P, but a bit more spin.
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Having returned to the game after a 35 year layoff, these rubbers have really helped me reproduce and improve on what I remember how my style of game used to be.
When starting again, I purchased a pre made tibhar power carbon jobby just to start me off. I found this ok for control, but I found it hard work to generate the speed and spin that I wanted. So the old volcano++ rubbers were ripped off and replacd with mx-s 2.2 on both sides.
This new setup has given me exactly what I want for my attacking style. I am now able to replicate and actually improve on my backhand and forehand hitting, topspin and looping. My short ball backhand flick generates an enormous amount of spin to force a long and high return for me to have a go at.
Control on both sides is excellent, allowing me to place loops and topspin shots pretty much where I want them. Most errors are self inflicted and I cannot blame the bat for that!
My only slightly negative observation is that short pushes are a little more difficult, but if you push long with good technique, plenty of backspin is generated or you can play a no-spin ball to make it more awkward for the other player to settle into a pushing game and allowing a more aggressive opening shot from me.
Very happy, and looking forward to growing with this setup.
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good forehand rubber, nice feel and spinny but is a bit heavy.
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This is the best rubber I've ever used for combination being able to create of spin on all of my own shots, while still being able to easily handle spin on opponents shots. has plenty of speed if you crack it good too. I use it on my Xiom Vega tour blade and since I've been using this rubber I'm being players I could not beat previously. best forehand rubber ever for me.
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This is as good as it currently gets. Soft reaction to touch shots, and generates consistent speed & spin when power applied. Great rubber. Difficult to see beyond it at present for any attacking player.
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I was having problem with my MX-P and my hits are so powerful but mostly they are very long and hard to control, have to be mid-distance at the table to contain it. Push was also uncontrollable for me because of the catapult effect. Not like MX-S, there were no catapult effect that is why push is controllable and my hits are not long even if it is close to the table. Need to swing to unleash its power. Currently using this and my percentage got better.
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Very good forehand rubber. Excellent speed, spin, and control. Not so much catapult effect but you can feel decent support from the medium hard sponge.
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Have tried my MX-S on 2 different blades - gave me 2 different results. When it was on Butterfly Mizutani Jun, the speed and control are like a dream. When it was on my JOOLA Bomb Extrem, it somehow felt a little slow, not sure if it is because of the sponge hardness. At the end of the day, great rubber with great spin, speed and control. Great for modern games with new balls.
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It's the heaviest rubber I ever had.
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Bardzo dobra guma, sprbowaem wersji MX-S 1.9-2.0 na FH, wczeniej by Rasant Grip, jest szybciej a tyle samo kontroli i rotacji. Pki co rewelacja!
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I try this rubers in 1,9 on fh end in 1,7 on bh on J.O.W Limited Edition. Its beautiful. Try this combination!
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Very good BH rubber. Very forgiving and so much spin if you have a good technique you will love it. The throw angle is a bit higher compared with MX-P but the catapult effect is not existent. The rubber does what you want :)
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Very good grip on topsheet. Good for first loop, Generate fast topsin that descend under the table. I use on forehand on carbon blade yasaka silverline carbon.
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I prefer the MX-S over the MX-P. I don't notice as much difference in speed but I notice the MX-S has more spin. I've been using it on my backhand on a carbon blade.
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I just shifted to MX-S for my backhand and this rubber is sure worth it. It has good control,speed and spin but the best part about this rubber is its feeling.It has a great feel to it.Blocking and backhand topspin go very smooth.Perfect backhand rubber.
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Wow! The spin!- njb
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I play T05 and T80 for 2 years but the MX-S is my new choice. The sponge feels hard and the topsheed has a lot of grip like the T05, perhaps a little bit more. The quality is great, the price too. (34) The rubber has many gears. Very spinny, good for blocking, short services are no problem, good for smashing and awesome for topspin. Topspin on backspin is very easy. A very good choice for variable attacking player.
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Pros: short game, spin, speed, Counterspin
Cons: weight
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Rubber is great for topspin, excelent grip. It has decent control and is quite fast. Very useful rubber for my forehand attacks. It is very effective for contraspins and also for straight play 1-2 metres away from table. It is my best rubber so far. I can only reccomend.
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The rubber is almost as fast as T80 and has better spin. the speed is slower than T64. a very good rubber for spinny and fast game. The best thing about this rubber is the heavy cut it produces.
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thickness: 2.0
blade: andro treiber k off

blocking: 10/10, very controlled, not sensitive to rotation

topspin: 10/10, very good spin, the ball goes exactly where you want it, very good power

serves: 9/10, they're good but could be a little better

distance from the table:
you can play close to the table, at half distance and away from the table, it's great to play in any zone

pickup: 9/10, forehand flick could be a little better

orientation: this is the lining for players with good technique. If you have a good technique and your hit is not "random" - you can use this rubber

rubber may seem strange at first, but don't get discouraged, you will get used to it over time

on the slow blade it may be a bit too slow, but on the fast blade I recommend it
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Many people mentioned high spin values of the MX-S but I use it for FH smash and powerful counterhit. MX-S is not very spin sensitive but create nice curve when you hit through ball with closed racket angle. So it is easy spin rubber and it appreciates powerful FH strokes. When you make a good stroke the sponge loudly clicks giving clear feedback. I played 1.7 thickness for several years and it was not slow at all. I switched to 1.9 with new plastic balls. I play Stiga Clipper Wood but MX-S plays nicely with all blades I tried.
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9.5/10 for OFF style. FH: Donic Bluefire M1 Turbo, 2.2mm, 52g (0.256g/cm^2), 50 degrees (ESN), 38.5 degrees (Shore A). BH: Tibhar Evolution MX-S, 2.15mm, 49g (0.24g/cm^2), 47 degrees (ESN), 37 degrees (Shore A). Blade: TSP Balsa 8.5, 80g, 157mm x 150mm x 10.5mm (Width x Height x Thickness). Plies: 5 (3 Wood + 2 Composite): Ayous - GlassFibre - Balsa - GlassFibre - Ayous.
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Im so in love with this rubber!!
Ive used this rubber on Xiom Zetro Quad(not so fast Carbon blade)on my forehand for the last 4 months.
SPONGE-TOPSHEET combination is fantastic. The sponge is really hard(more density than mx-p) but has a softer topsheet so in general the rubber dont feel hard but medium hard in my opinion and in play this has many positives.
TOPSPIN: here is where this rubber is amazing because I feel that I can really decide how much spin or speed I want to generate, if you need speed the hard sponge is really good and at the sams time if you need more grip too the topsheet really helps!
The arc is medium/medium-high and thats good for a so hard sponge!
SPIN: in general this rubber is very very spinny, when you topspin and when serve too
CONTROL: like I said the softer Topsheet helps to make the rubber more easier to play with
So the blocks and service responce is easy
NEGATIVE: a bit heavy, on smashes is a bit slower than mx-p, need a good technique!

My playing style is really top spin/spin oriented and I need a good control for fast blocks
So for me(tryed rasanter r47, T05, omega V, bluefire jp01) this is the best forehand rubber ive tryed.
Really high reccomended rubber for rotation topsins.
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When I first played with the MX-S I absolutely hated it. It was so heavy and the harder I hit with it the lower an arc it seemed to produce. I'm glad I didn't take it off of my blade however, as the second and third time around I discovered how I could make this rubber shine; serving, heavy and well placed topspin drives from close to the table and precisely placed active blocks and pushes. One warning though, this rubber will do nothing for you if you have bad technique and improper movement. Be there and commit to the shot or your opponent will expose this rubber's weaknesses.
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Have been playing with T05 on FH for a while now (Dornenglanz II 0,5 (homemade) on BH, twiddling). Decided to give this one a try, but did not have high expectations. How wrong I was. This rubber is truly great and there is no reason paying almost double for T05. Transition from T05 was done after a couple of strokes. I might agree that T05 is a tad better for service, but thats it. All other aspects is equal if not in favour of MX-S. By the way, my blade is Stiga Defensive Wood NCT.
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What kind of blade would make it the best attribute? Hard, soft, springy?
ALC, ZLC, or woodpliers?
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A good forehand rubber but the best bh rubber. Great power and feel away from the table. Lifts backspin easily. Best all round rubber.
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