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47 Reviews for Butterfly Tenergy 25

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Oldie but goldie today. But it still a vey good rubber.Better than T64. Big pores. Giant pores. Its very spinny. Actually more than T64 again. Best of the oldies in the first familj of Tenergy. 05-80-25-64 in my book. Its fun to play, especially when u play far from the table. It really shines in that bit.
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Amultart (86g)+ T05 2.1 + T25 2.1. The blade is important when reviewing a rubber. Amultart is Hinoki/ZLC (outer but with a thick top wood).T25 was good as FH for counter, block, sharp attack, smash, push and serve. The throw angle is enough OK to open on underspin balls in FH and BH. In BH, it is good for chikita, for safe block and receive. This rubber works well closed to the table. At mid distance, the ball is a bit short (T80 is better in that case). The ball is not flying. I think Niwa Koki was using this combinaison in 2012, but I am not sure. Of course, this kind of combinaison demands a good technique and footworks to be in front of the ball ... If you are a bit lazy with legs, just go for D09C 2.1 or hard rubbers (52 to 54). I think that T19 is closed to T25.
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Ive written a review here in 2010 and got upset wirh table tennis and the plastic ball in 2014, but since I lost a lot of weight and my knee doesn`t hurt, I`m back in Business and after some trials, I got back to my old love: The T 25! There is no other rubber like this. You may not like it, but if you do there`s no replacement. The best word to describe the feeling when you play it is chunky. Its the only rubber I know in the field of true high tech rubbers, when it comes to versatility and control. It`s purely wonderful at everything, except maybe lifting underspin, but since that is one of my favourite balls, I don`t mind at all. That would actually be the only trait from the T 05 I woukd prefer. I cannot recommend it as the FX Version though. That`s completely different. It is absolutely a must trie, because there`s nothing like it and if it`s only for the sake of the experience. Last thing I want to say: a defensive player I know played it for two years and it still was putting tons of spin in the ball.
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This is the control version of tenergy, not as fast as the other but you get amazing control
Spin is good, you get of it enough to finish a point but their are spinner rubbers out there and same with speed
Control is perfect with this
Chops and block or basically a modern defensive game with this is really good
I think Ill stick with the 25 for now as it suits my game
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9.6/10 for OFF style. FH: Yasaka Rising Dragon, 2.2mm, 53g (0.26g/cm^2), 52 degrees (ESN), 39.5 degrees (Shore A). BH: Butterfly Tenergy 25, 2.1mm, 53g (0.256g/cm^2), 36 degrees (Shore A). Blade: Galaxy T-11+, 72g, 158mm x 151mm x 7mm (Width x Height x Thickness). Plies: 7 (5 Wood + 2 Composite): Limba - Limba - Carbon - Balsa - Carbon - Limba - Limba.
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Using 1.8mm red on Butterfly Mazunov blade for 6 month. Playing close to a table. Good angle from a block. Great spin and awesome smashes! Love how fast this combo works. Playing very consistent with it and because of that rubbers durability is relative low(compared to other rubbers). After 4 month (3 times a week for 3-4hours) center of the rubber is worn out. However, I will buy it again.
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I just started using this rubber on my BH.

I use this rubber on a ma lin carbon blade with tenergy 64 as FH.
My BH has always been weak and now i have finally completed my search.
This rubber is like a beast, amazing topspins and easy flicks that dont require much power.
but once you get far away from the table it acts much differently. As i said before, this rubber is a beast, once you know how to control a beast, you literally become a god. I prefer people who have a good game from close to the table should get this rubber.
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Speed: 9.5
Spin (European Style): 8.8
Control: 8.8
Weight: 51g in 2.1 (0.251g/cm^2)
Hardness (DHS): 36
Gears: 2.6
Throw: 4
Fast Loop: 9.1
Slow Loop: 9
Counter Loop: 8.9
Touch: 8.6
Block: 8.8
Smash: 9.2
Slice/Chop: 9
Serve: 9
Flip/Flick: 9.2
Available Sponge Thickness: 1.7/1.9/2.1
Durability: 4.6
Value: 7.4
Overall: 9
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I (and i know alot more) thinks this is the fastest of the Tenergys. Faster than T64 by far. Wonderful close tothe table.
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Just wow! What an amazing rubber. It is probably the most underrated tenergy rubbers. But I feel like this is honestly the best one you guys should try it out
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First impression I think it has better ball feel comparing to T05 because of the different pimple structure. Feels like there's a spring feel effect on the pimples not only the sponge. Not good for carbon blades, no control
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Really didnt get this rubber felt like a mark v/chinesse substitute.
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best for fh.
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Really fantastic backhand rubber for blocking and punching, but it is considerably harder to loop backspin with ( unless you have good technique). It is heavy due to the wide pimples on it which could make it not good for some people. However, what i noticed most about this rubber is how great the close to the table attacking block/punch shots are; the power really opens up when you hit it flatter. I wouldn't recommend this rubber for someone who defends or likes to loop with heavy topspin, but it will be very nice for anyone who blocks and punches a lot. only my opinion so don't take it too seriously :)
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Speed: average (9.2).
Spin: high (9.3).
Control: average (9.2).
Tackiness: slightly tacky (2).
Weight: heavy (51g, 0.251g/cm^2).
Sponge hardness: medium (49/36).
Top sheet hardness: hard (57/45).
Gears: average (5).
Throw: medium high (6.6).
Consistency: always identical (10).
Durability: average durability (5).
Top sheet thickness: average (1.7mm).
Surface thickness: average (0.8mm).
Pip length: medium (0.9mm).
Pip width: very wide (2.6mm).
Pip spacing: dense (0.6mm).
Overall: good (9.5).
Value: expensive (3).
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I have read +ve as well as -ve comments about T25. Well there was a confusion for me whether to go for T05 instead. But finally made up my mind with T25.

I ordered a regular T25, not the FX version since I need more spin with less arc distance.

I will update once I receive the rubber in another 3 days.
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Out of the Tenergy series this seems to be the least popular. Maybe because it is the heavier rubber out of the lot due to its much larger sized pimples. Comparing the T25 to T05 and T64 on a Viscaria blade for BACKHAND. The T25 unexpectedly came out as the favourite. T25 a slightly harder feel to it than T05, which is a good thing that's why it is superior than the rest when it comes to block shots. T64 feels quite soft compared to T25. [I find that when using stiff carbon blades, softer FH rubbers are way more forgiving and medium/hard rubbers for BH, NOT the other way around like some people say!] Throw angle felt a bit weird at first, less noticeable catapult effect than T05/T64. But once adjusted I feel T25 has the best arc (more closer to T05 than T64 & T80). T25 is made to excel at short distance, has a similar arc characteristics but shorter trajectory than T05. Deceptively fast rubber when you generate a bit of power. T25 excels at the short/mid game, less catapult effect on stiff carbon blade gives more control/predictability which assists in making it easier to increase the level consistency of balls on the table during short/mid game. This made sense because unless you are a high level pro and/or a predominately defensive player, the majority of your points will come from the service to short to mid game.
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I found this rubber disappointing. I got 2, both on FH and BH, and I had to switch it after about 10 days... It just did not compliment my looping game at all, I thought since i like to make the occasional chop, or placement punch/block this would suit me, but it did not. This rubber was a complete flop for me, and I would not recommend it.
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Certainly throw angle is higher than 05...
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-Compared to T Energy 05 and 64, the pimple surface on the inside is simple massive.
-The large pimples inside help with controlling shots.
-Excellent for close to the table play as you can counter any hard hit shots easily while maintaining control but when you need to hit a little bit harder, the rubber still provides enough power.
-I am a penholder that uses Reverse-Penhold Backhand occasionally but I don't use it all the time. I was looking for a rubber that could handle flicks, counter-attacking from up close, and could handle my mediocre RBP technique. This rubber handled everything
-I had T-Energy 64 before and I honestly couldn't handle the sheer power of it so i wanted something more controlled and manageable. T-Energy 25 was the perfect solution to my RPB since I don't use it very often and when I need to use RPB, I feel confident I can counter any shots with ease.
-Excellent up close and can handle medium distance relatively well but more effort is required.
-I use 1.9mm red rubber sheet
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The best rubber for blocking and fast topspin. Very suitable for the backhand.
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Tested with a Stiga Maplewood NCT V

- Works well for active BH blocks & mid distance BH loops.
- Ball can be placed very accurate.
- Nice BH rubber.
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Update: I recently switched to playing with Tenergy 25 on both sides, and my search is finally complete. I cannot stress how fantastic this rubber is. It plays with many gears. You can hit it softly and precisely with the hard rubber, you can generate a decent amount of spin on a short push using only the topsheet; when hitting the ball harder and swinging full strokes, this rubber has an unlimited supply of power. It doesn't always seem as fast as 05/64 because it does play like a hard rubber. If you let your arm speed work, and use your feet and hips with your swing, this rubbers speed and trajectory are unmatched.

Further, on an off-the-bounce shot or a block, the rubber just puts the ball over the net and onto the other side of the table.

It's serves surpass the 05/h3/tg2 and other quality rubbers if you learn to control the sponge and topsheet well.

This rubber is extremely underrated. Using this on both sides, I beat a player over 500 points over my rank and it felt easy. Rubber is not always the solution, but if it matches your style, it can be a good aid.

This rubber plays like a Tennis player would demand it to. Also, if you prefer chinese fh but want a little catapult, this should suffice. It is a rubber for pacing and driving.

Short Push: T80 = T25 > T05 > T64
Counterloop: T25 > T80 > T64 > T05
Brush Loop: T05 > T25 > T80 > T64
Drive: T25 > T64 > T80 > T05
Chop: T25 > T05 = T80 > T64
Lifting Underspin: T05 > T80=T25=T64
Mid-distance: T64 > T25 > T05 > T80
Control: T25 > T05=T80 > T64
Speed: T64 (less/equal) T25 > T80=T05

A lot of this has to do with technique as mentioned above.
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I tested T25 1.7mm black, for ar possible replacement of mine T05 1.7mm black.

I'm playing with Yinhe 980 blade (speedy and rigid def blade) + Spinlord Dornenglanz long pips + Tenergy 05 1,7mm. I'm an allrounder and I play near the table, spinning, blocking and smashing. I'm a kind of mix between Pushblocker and Akkertrom...

One word: "Perfect"

I liked T05 very much, but I had to concede that pushes, returns, blocks where a bit delicate. I was always struggling to keep the ball on the table and not too long.

With the T25, I keep most of the great T05's qualities en I improve a lot the control for all the shots where I was struggling with T05.

Block: A lot easier with T25. I feel immediately a better control and and I'm able to vary the deepness and the placement of my shots. I can absorb the energy of the incoming loop and make a short and dead block or accelerate. Smash the incoming loop is also easier. This is a very strong point of T25.

Smash: Same. Great control that gives a lot of confidence for smashing.

Pushes: With T05, keep pushes short enough and not out of the table is a constant chalenge. With the T25, I have no more this catapult effect that insecure the pushes and I control easily the ball making pushes long or short, where I want.

Serves: Coming from T05, its easier to place the ball and keep it lower. But, I had the feeling that I was able to give a lithe bit more spin with T05. I think that the T05 is more dangerous for serves because of this ability to give more spin.

Loops: The trajectory of the ball is flatter with T25. I think that T05 is a very high throw rubber and that the T25 is a lower throw rubber. But this doesn't mean that T25 have a low throw. I will say that it' a medium throw rubber an that it's still higher than a lot of other rubbers. I also have the feeling that T25 gives a little less spin on the ball. But it's still spiny... T25 ask to pay attention to the net when T05 gives more arc and latitude to stay over the net. Personally I prefer the flatter trajectory of T25. From mid-distance, the T25 is still enough dynamic for looping balls easily.
For counter-looping near the table, I think that T25 is better than T05. I think that T05 because of his higher throw is worse than T25 for this kind of shots. With T25 on some shots as looping incoming serves or counter spinning incoming loops near the table the ball tent to be long because of the higher throw. For this shots, with a lower throw, the T25 gives me a better result.
Far from the table, the T05 gives more ease and better results, the T25 is still good but requires more energy to return balls on the table.

Throw angle: T05 = Very high T25 = Average
Spin: T05 = 9/10 T25 = 8/10
Control: T05 = 6,5/10 T25 = 9/10
Speed: T05 = 9/10 T25 = 8/10
Hardness: T05 = 7/10 T25 = 7/10

It seems that everybody have not the same opinion about the speed of this rubbers, but, in my opinion, the T25 is just a little bit less speedy that the T05. Maybe, the better control gives me this feeling?

About hardness, I had not really the feeling that T25 was a bit harder. It's only a different feel because of the bigger pips from the T25.

Conclusion: The T25 is done for me and fit perfectly my style. I liked T05 very much, but with T25 I keep most of the great qualities of T05 and he add other great qualities that are completely essential for the way I play. Adopted!
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This rubber has a lot of power, but it can be difficult to control. It definitely takes getting used to. Once you get used to it, it can be very spinny with just the right amount of tackiness to make looping possible.
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I have played with Galaxy Sun and Moon for some time now. Some people have said that it compares with Tenergy rubbers. The played well,good control en speed is fare. Today I played with my new Butterfly Balsa Carbo X5,with Tenergy 25 on the forehand and Sriver G3 FX on the backhand, WOW!WOW, it was a huge difference from Galaxy range. It is awesome, to begin with, the T25 has very good control for fast and harder rubber. The speed is very good en idol for play close to the table and on medium distance and I am sure it will be fine on longer range too. The Sriver G3 fx is nice and soft and WOW it gives me very good control on backhand attack and on defence. The control on chopping/backspin is fantastic. I have finally found the rubbers for my kind of game.
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"This rubber is a rubber of the future" ! But the future of Butterfly and NOT the future of the players because they will all be broke buying such a super expensive price ! If you play this rubber on both sides, you'll be broke twice as fast ! Because of the price, Not worth it !
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I currently used this rubber ,good speed and spin with a very expensive price..Gonna switch to Rakza 7 after this...
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This is a rubber for the future!

Fantastic in close to the table to mid - length shots..

Love the spinny as well as speedh shots that this rubber provides me with!!
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t25 is a fast spiny rubber with good control. i read from someone what is nightmare the lifting a chop ball i dont know mabe but my blade timo boll zlf with t25 lift any ball!!!!
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I recently replaced my firehand blade with Shriver EL rubber with a Viscaria and Tenergy 25. My forehand loops are incredible with this rubber. I have no problem looping underspin. I'm a mid to close to the table player. I am having some trouble hitting consistant backhands with the Tenergy, but find the push game to be fine. I have played with it for two weeks, and have noticed quite an improvement. The amount of speed and spin from the Shriver to the Tenergy 25 is incredible. I have been playing in a club for a year and a half, and now feel ready to to use spinnier/faster rubber. I feel this was a great transition. People I know seem to love the 05, and 64 Tennergy. I really enjoy the 25.
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everyone keeps telling me that 05 is way better. their wrong :D this rubber is amazing!
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can this rubber with the fx version can work well with the keyshot light blade?
i actually have 2 05
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who invent this pervert rubber
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Been using this rubber for a year now. I was previously a tenergy 05 user. They are pretty much the same, but with different topsheets. 25 has the large pimple topsheet, which makes it less reactive compared to 05. That means you need to loop with better technique, full stroke, and power. Passive looping or little effort loops are not recommended. With 05 you can loop underspin with a little flick and flat hit with soft effort, can't do that with 25. So it may take time to find or adjust the stroke. It took me about a month or so to adjust my strokes. 25 lasts very long, maybe even longer than 05, maybe because of the bigger pimples. The first few weeks the topsheet is a little sticky, so some people will say 25 lasts only a week. But I think these people are brushing too much and have not figured out the rubber. I think tenergy 25 is only suited for the close to table power looper. Unlike, 05 which can accompany almost any style. However, I don't recommend any of the tenergy series for players under 1600 usatt. You need a solid foundation before you can build a tower.
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Thrown to trash can after one minute play. It had no spin at all. Balls went to net with spinning tail.
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A great rubber, one of the best I've tried, it does what you ask of it
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During the last year I´ve exitensively tested (over 20 different inverted rubbers) all of the Tenergies and compared them to a fiew ESN-rubbers and quicker chinese Rubbers like LKT Rapid Speed, Friendship Higher 1-3 and lately with the surprisingly slow Spin Art (which is in no way close to the tenergies) I`ve decided to stick to Tenergy 25. It might produce a tiny little bit less spin than tenergy 05, but it has other properties, that make it the better rubber for my game. One important factor is the blocking. Blocking with the Tenergy 05 only works well if you block actively (spin-block), so the higher the playing skill the smaller the problem might be. But for me as a mid-class player it is also important to be able to block passively which the T25 does perfectly. In my opinion this also has to do with the T25 being softer than T05 despite the fact, that T 25 was promoted as the hardest, but it is definitley softer than T05 (and harder than T64). So blocking and hitting is superb with T25. The T25 pushes more controlled than the T05 and produces aproximately the same amount of spin, which is a lot. TheT25 top-spins have a lower throw than with T05 but still countertopping from midrange works extremely well since it is highly dynamic and really gives you the feeling that when countertopping the rubber itself has a worked in powerplant that throws the top-spin back at your oponent. What is even more lovely ist to play counterloops over the table which works perfectly. This to me is very important since I play a long pimple ox on one side of the bat (I twiddle very often and tend to stick very close to the table and attack whenever the chance arises) and very often chop-block or chop from mid-distance and almost never from long distance and force my oponents to return the spinny but fast chop-blocks with a push (which I will attack with T25 on backhand or forehand since there`s always enough time to twiddle on a push) or as intended counter-top the forced slow and spinny top-spins over the table or the highest point.

Now the biggest surprise with the T25 is its`chopping ability. It is seriously crazy. I`ve chopped with all the offensive rubbers I´ve tested and there is not one that is even slightly as good as the T25. Even whith very little time to react an short energetic movement with the wrist leads to a dead straight ball that is loaded with spin and even when the next top-spin comes slower and with extreme spin you can control the chops extremely well. Obviously Joo Sea Hjuk does all of this very well with T64, but with the T25 it is much easier to control the ball and keep it shallow.

So the conclusion is, that although none of the famous players seem to play the T25 it is the one that is the most versatile. For me the chopping is not so important, since I scarcely play long distance but I know two more modern defensive players who play it. One of them is a teenager playing in a german talent pool.
I´m convinced that there will be more high-level defenders using it in the future.

The T25 is an outstanding allround rubber!

I play it on the Juic Kalinic Allround, which is a stiff blade to be allround and is actually rather an Off- blade. After having also tested over 30 different long-pips I now play the double fish 1615 ox that Lo Chuen Tsung used to play (one of my role models), which is the best pimple for chop-blocking and chopping from mid-distance in my opinion. The T25 I play in 2,1mm. The talent pool player plays it in 1,9mm on a Timo Boll Spark and combines it with a Curl P1 R ox. He got the Spark from Ruwen Filus, who also plays it, but uses T05, but Ruwen Filus really doesn`t chop with the inverted rubber at all.

Greetz 2U all
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very hard, for controlled offensive- player who likes the hard and controlled game!
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Loops and counterloops are realy great to play. Serves are spinny and easy to place. Short game is also very well to play. If you like to loop with a more forward style stroke near at the table than i would advise to use the T25. If you like to loop against loop with a more upwards style stroke than you should better use the T05. If you also like to loop far away from the table the best choice is the T64.
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Cons - Expensive, just like any other Tenergy.

Pros - I was suprised by what this rubber did. Throw angle is a lower than the other Tenergy's, meaning good quality close-to-table blocks and attacks. Much more of a crispy feel to it, compared to Tenergy 05. Control was slightly better than the other two Tenergy's, possibly because of the throw angle. Durability was nearly as good as a Chinese rubber, possibly due to the massive pips embedded. Smashing and looping was good. Be aware, if you step out about a foot or two, a bigger stroke is needed to get the ball back. Con is just price, too expensive.
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This rubber is a perfect 10. A lot of spin, fast and controlled while playing passive strokes. Perfekt forehand rubber for me. You can play very spinny loops on underspin and also very hard topspin topspin with your opponent. The difference to T05 is that you dont need to reduce your power while lift the ball. So you can play as fast and hard as you want. With T05 the throw angle is too high and a lot of the loops on underspin are not difficult enough to block. If you are playing spinny Tops all the game than T05 will be better. If you are playing spinny loops and fast strokes as well and have the alternative to block than T25 is the better one for you
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Great control and lightning fast speed. Perfect for over/close to the table and mid distance attacking type of play. I just love it on my forehand side. If you can put up with the pace it delivers you don't need anything else. I combine it with a Donic Lagonda blade and couldn't be more pleased.
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i've played with many of the state of the art rubbers including 64 and 05 and 25 is by far my favorite mainly because of its ability to loop any and all amounts of spin. Its above average for blocking and has blinding speed. I rate it above both 05 and 64
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25 has the same basic cons as 05 - heavy (especially in 2.1mm) and expensive. However, it has many of the positives, but does behave quite differently.

Although Butterfly market it as the "hard" version, that's more of a reflection of how it plays rather than how it feels. All the Tenergies have the same sponge, but 25 has MASSIVE pips on the rubber sheet. This results in a lower throw angle than 05 and 64 (although it's not that low when compared to a hurricane, for example - it's just lower than the other Tenergies).

So, you get the great pace and easy spin of a Tenergy (serves are loaded), but with the low throw I found blocking and hitting easier. Flipping and looping over the table was nice and easy, but from mid-distance and up it became harder and more effort is needed than 05 and 64. The hard feel results in slightly less mechanical spin, but it's fractions out, and still light years ahead of the last generation of High Tension / Tensors. Hopefully it lasts as long as 05, which has proved to be amazingly durable if you avoid ripping it accidentally.

If you play mostly over the table, or previously used glued low-throw chinese rubbers, then 25 is well worth a go. I still use 05 on the forehand, but struggled to adapt my backhand to it. 25 is a much better fit for me on the backhand side, and I'm sticking with it for now!
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Tenergy 25 is very much like the 05 in that is has the same explosiveness and power and more spin for sure. After 4 weeks of hard practice with the rubber i think its safe to say the 05 is my favorite simply because of the very low throw-angle of the 25. counterlooping, blocking and serving are all amazing but lifting chop balls is a nightmare. It's all up to the player though, i think low throw is this rubbers only flaw. I personally recommend the 05 over this.
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After much consideration and reluctance I decided to get T25 even though most players use T05 and T64. Because the T25 was so fast and spiny I thought it would be very difficult for me to control. I was wrong. T25 is great close to the table and mid-distance. Loops and drives are a consistent with lots of power and spin. I thought the rubber would die down in the mid to long distance rally but because of the spring sponge technology and the speed rating you can play with it from close or far away from the table. Serves are extremely spiny and those first topspin loops are also easy to execute and have a lot of pace on them. I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of control with rubber has. The ball always goes on the table. If you have good technique and strokes T25 will improve your game remarkably and boost your confidence because you can handle whatever is thrown at you. Overall a great rubber especially on an arylate/carbon blade like Michael Maze.
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