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 → Miniature Items → Butterfly Midi Blade for Autographs
 → Butterfly Accessories → Butterfly Midi Blade for Autographs

Butterfly Midi Blade for Autographs


The Midi Blade is a versatile blade with many uses for table tennis players and fans alike. This novelty midi blade is perfect for collecting autographs from your favorite players at competitions. The soft texture of the basswood ensures that ink from autographs won’t smudge, preserving signatures beautifully. Both sides of the blade provide ample space for collecting signatures from all the Pros you meet.

When not being used for autographs, the Midi Blade is also a fun and challenging racket for playing against less skilled friends in either friendly or competitive table tennis matches. Its smaller size reduces the hitting surface, giving your friends a better chance to win while adding an extra layer of challenge for you.

Another enjoyable way to use the Midi Blade is on a mini table, making the game more lighthearted and playful. With dimensions of 8 ½ x 5 inches, this racket is perfectly sized for a smaller blade. Additionally, its lightweight basswood construction ensures a comfortable feel, enhancing overall playability.

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Reviews of Butterfly Midi Blade for Autographs (1)

Very fun to play with.
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