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2 Reviews for Der-Materialspezialist Reflection

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Worst ever, bad spinreversal (0.9) reversal, too fast! And after 25 minutes the whole thing divides in the middle and broke. There, in training hall i needed a doctor. But he died. Same as the brand itself
Dr. Neubauer were good, now he is dead. There i thought, im soon 60 yo. Im going back to real rubbers. Only lazy 60+ plays with anti. Played it for 10 years because an injury. But this is NOT tabletennis. its another sport..away with old mns pips. Make it a sport where we play in the same materialzone. Too easy to smashan antioldman or an pipsrubber that play with it because he cant taake the serves. Let us play tabletennis. Im out of the cheat buisness anyway. Now of too learn play with real tt-rubbers again and learn this time, instead of cheat me to wins. Not strange there was ONE player among top 300 playing Pips, he took silver medal but with Yasaka Rakza Pips, almost unreal.
With anti or pips you can be good.Thats it, but you reach a level, and ten you never ever going to be better, only with real rubbers pimles in you can continue to rise. Ola out. By the way, the doctors blades is almost the same all of them. Such a waist on fine tree.
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Delivers ultimate spin reversal!!! Control and spin reversal is absolutely fantastic. All in all, this is one of the best rubbers that a modern anti-spin player must try out.
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