Only tried this a couple of times in 1.5 mm on my backhand. It has a soft sponge which usually is not my cup of tea cause I like the hard sponges more. This rubber is strange in a very good way. Absolutely not easy to play if you start or switch from normal rubbers. So I wouldnt recommend it to those players. It plays two ways. Defensively like a long pips and offensively like a typical short pips. This gives this rubber way more deception and reversal then most medium rubbers or short pips. Long pips reversal is there but not as much as the best long pips out there. Its like this rubber is created for players who want to switch from short pips to longs pips or vice versa. If you can master this rubber this one is an absolute weapon. One of the best out there if you ask me since you switch up your play from defensive long pips to offensive short pips with both it benefits. However Im not that player yet, so it required to much adjusting in my angle. In a match were you trust your instincts this lead to mistakes from my side. But thats due to skill not the rubber. Blocking is joy, short play I found harder to do since the sponge boosted and springy. Opening up at backspin is easy but for me it lacked speed which made me vulnerable. The rubber is insensitive to incoming spin. Chopping is fun and creates some nice reversal. Creating spin is there, enough to surprise your opponent to not just attack the ball. I had fun with rubber but I need a lot more practice and a thicker sponge since the 1.5 was to slow
(The lack of speed was killing me in the end)for my taste. Ill stick with the keiler II for the moment since it suits my style more and it has a harder sponge which I prefer.
This rubber is not in the right section btw. Its definitely 100% a medium pips rubber
→ Pips-Out Rubber → Der-Materialspezialist Flashback OX Reviews
→ Der Materialspezialist Rubber → Der-Materialspezialist Flashback OX
4 Reviews for Der-Materialspezialist Flashback OX
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This rubber is awesome. Blocking and hitting yields awesome sink effect. Push is no spin. If you love to pick hit push, then this rubber is for you! The ball you hit is fast and dead, very dead! Its only weakness is it does not produce heavy back spin chop, but if you like to attack at the table, this is the back hand rubber for you!
Never thought that I was going to like medium pips but here we goi gave DMS Flashback a go and I must say that I was skeptical in the beginning. I did not like it too much because it felt our of the ordinary. I had to admit that I like the disruption that the rubber can create but I had to hit it perfectly. I was intrigue about it so I decided to keep trying it and after 2 weeks I love it. My friends at the club do not like it at all and told me that it is very hard to read. I like to block with it and now I am learning how to push and create loops with it. The speed is perfect for me because I can control my shots and I can place them where I want. It plays like a fast long pimple rubber when blocking and like short pips when attacking. Patience is the key hereonce you get it, Flashback becomes a deadly weapon. This is my main rubber nowhands down.//UPDATE 8OCT23: I got the 1.5mm. version and it is even better, lighter and I can attack more now with my forehand either flat or loop. It does everything I want. This is all I need.
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