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40 Reviews for Donic Original Carbospeed

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Very good blade
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I have this blade with Victas v15 extra and Xiom Sigma Pro II. Anyway, I want to say this combination is so OP because it's "very" controllable [yeah I know it's a hard blade] and easy to shoot. Maybe the blade has 94 grams, but a lot of people were shocked about my shootings with my forehand. It's hard to find the "perfect" blade but in my opinion with Victas v15 extra, it is easy to do top spins. I tested 5-6 Donic blades, but this blade is perfect for me.
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J'utilise cette lame depuis un peu prs un an. Pour la rapidit des tops elle a un contrle incroyable
Plusieurs de mes amis l'ont aussi achet aprs avoir essay ma raquette
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Very consistent and fast blade!! I paired with Blue Star a1. The hinoki outer ply gives great feeling. Huge sweet spot. Very durable and tough to break. You don't have to hit the ball that hard to get great power out of it. My favorite blade that I keep coming back to even after playing with much more expensive blades and those marketed as """"high control"""" blades
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Donic Carbospeed is quite fast and stiff but with good control. Very suitable for attacking or blocking, looping, smashing, close to the table or medium distance. This blade it's good to be paired with medium soft to medium hard rubber. I use SP or MP on the BH side and feel comfortable in attacking or even blocking the fast loop opponent's ball. This blade is one of the recommended.
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Nunca usei uma madeira to rpida!!
Estou impressionado com a velocidade!! Estava usando antes DHS 301, uma boa Madeira tambm, mas no se compara a Speed Carbon!!
Parabns Donic!!!
Uso no Forhand AGR e no Back MXP
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I use this blade now in combination with donic baracuda rubber on both FH and BH and I can say for sure, one of the best blades ever. tremendous amount of speed, spin and also still have a proper amount of control to place the ball correctly unlike other fast blades. this blade is really really good for high intermediates and professionals. this blade compete the highest blades in the market like TB, viscaria with half the price so it is a must buy
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Difcil de controlar con H3, pero con mucha potencia y capacidad para generar efecto
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I have tried many blades and this one is so far the best for my playing style (I am playing with this blade for almost 4 years) Incredible for loops, flat hits and blocking (not good for chopping) Awesome speed. Suitable for hard rubbers and offensive playing style
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Well the racket combined with M1 Turbo MAX both sides would not be recommended. The paddle weighs dead heavy and extremely head heavy. Other than that I have no complaints so far. Once the rubbers wear out I will most likely pair it with something softer and thinner to make the overall weight lighter. For people who like a heavy and OFF to OFF+ setup it s a good blade for the money.However, I will continue my search for my perfect setup with a different blade.
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The blade has good feeling and spin. The downside is that it's very thick so you've got a strange feeling like you hitting with cork(that glong sound)...i don't think any pro can play with such a thick blade..
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muy buen madero para hacer juego de ataque yo lo ocupo con ANDROPOWERGRIP EN (FH) Y ANDRORASANT BEAT(BH) con maximo grosor al principio es muy dificil el juego corto se tiene que ser muy sensible con la mano tambien se requiere trabajar muy bien el fisico y tener buena tecnica no recomendado para principiantes
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Even though this blade is fast, I do not like it because it too hard and too head heavy. I used light rubber such as fastarc s1, which weighs 41 grams per side. I am thinking that the innermost ply is too heavy.
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Gw beli kayu ini 2 minggu yang lalu. Awalnya Gw kira kayu ini kontrolnya kurang, ternyata pas gw pasang karet Rasanter V42 kayunya kenceng banget dan kontrolnya juga ternyata sangat bagus. Buat BH pakai Xiom Vega europe dan juga kenceng walaupun tidak sekencang Rasanter V42. Gw mau coba pakai Rasanter R37 kayanya bukan hanya kenceng tapi spinnya juga fantastik. I can imagine that eventhough not yet used Rasanter R37. Recomended for beginner but must choose good fast rubber.
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Very fast blade compared to Cornilleau Hinotec Off- and Joola Fast Extreme. The hardness and vibration is just right. I started this blade with 729/Friendship fast rubbers then switched rubbers to Bluefire M1 and BOOM - SUPERFAST! Beautiful with spin serves, push, block, flicks, topspin, smash, loops and all. I always had difficulty with defensive opponents and recently just learned how to loop properly - just last week! I started practicing loops with Cornilleau Hinotec Off- with Baracuda and felt that my shots are a little slow. With this blade combined with Bluefire M1, my loops are freakin spinny and fast! I can't wait to slap the new Bluestorm on this baby.
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Really good blade, I come from a donic waldner carbo senso that is an accourate light and well balanced blade to this one and I must say after i went back for a test that DOC give me more securety. The feeling is great, is more thick, and accurate too, i prefer DOC in top speen and chop. At the moment i tried with donic P2 and P3, i' m going to test it with Cornelleau S39 but I Will go to cornilleu x51 h57 soon, I already tried s39 on an old blade and they were really nice.
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Personally I feel the 'control' is excellent in block, drive, push, no problems in loop, topspin, slice. I think for us amateurs, know how to maximize power tolerated by grip is the fun (depends on cultural background though). Honestly (not scientifically) most winning shots happen under 10 rallies. How to save an inconsistent ball is over looked while idea of 'consistency' (of 100+ brainless robotic rallies which helps only high rating players to focus planning the winning shots) is over valued. I prefer fast blade familiarizing power, grip and tempo, over slow blade that keeps the shots 'in' BY RACKET but NOT BY ACTIVE CONTROL - fooling us with the sense of 'control'. Low quality soft (masking consistent) rallies are abused politically faking false hope of 'peace' and manipulating 'learning opportunities' by 'controlling' players that otherwise preferring jousting like friendly exchanges of powerful shots. Veteran bully amateurs by setting up 'tradition', controlling ways of sport and then life and eventually companions of life - how we love and live on, based on the evil that plays "the right and wrong." (One day the kind nurture is important, the other day harsh experience is great - in the grey area some venture the poor tough way only to be kind and lie about the way). However in the end and beginning, human develop gross motor before fine motor skills, thank God! For me FUNDAMENTALLY ITS ALL ABOUT USING THE THRUST TO BENEFIT OUR BODY, MIND AND FRIENDSHIPS, AND NOT 'DYING WITH THE LOVE OF THE PROPERTIES OF PLASTIC'. One wonders why these players play table tennis in 2/duel instead of playing alone. Wonder if carbon really decrease our sense of vibration, and weather or not that really matters in which technique. (still, one look at any 13 girls and claim the superiority of 12 virgin!). I like this cheap CARBON bat, but for now I go play Hugo Calderano's foco off-, checking my ways of generating power.
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Speed, this word defines what this blade is all about. DOC is super fast but has a good feeling due to hinoki outer plies. And its also light, mine (Cpen style) came with 87g. This blade has a hard touch and does not vibrate at all. Im playing with short pips and Rakza 7 in the BH. When hit hard with SP it produces a nice sound and devastating speed. If this blade has any cons I would say the ball-breaking rate. No plastic ball last a long time against Carbospeed + short pips.
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Very fast blade. It vibrates a little bit more than I expected, and the outer hinoki layers are just ok (comparing with Darker and Butterfly hinoki), but it is a good blade. Your movements with your body must be good to take the full potencial of this blade.
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Alegerea in cumpararea acestui lemn este foarte bine facuta in cazul in care pe el se pun fete tari. Daca se pun fete putin mai moi se duce cea mai mare parte din control.
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The speed is just crazy. It's super fast. If you think clipper is too fast then I think you need to be educated about what's "really" fast. But the thing I like most about this blade is the kind of control it offers with the speed. I mean, you still need to watch your strokes with this cannon, you can't just hit any which way and hope the ball lands just right. I didn't feel much need for adjusting my strokes for control, and I'm coming from OFF/OFF+ all wood blades. Sweet spot is huge, larger than one of my other composite blade - Joola Rossi Emotion. Thick, stiff blade still highly loopable. Good for pips too. If you want to loop with it I suggest a high throw spinny rubber. I use baracuda and it works perfectly with it. However, I think Tenergy 05 and Rakza 7 will work just as well.
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WOW, that I say when try this equipment fast and control so UNIX, This blade 100% work when you Combination Rubber by DONIC too, For Serve you must really practice to find Performance and Perfect. NO SERVE NO WIN
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Fast blade and good control
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It's "the flash" of blades in the TT universe. Hard to control at first, but when you get used to it, everything's gonna be alright.
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Good blade with speed and control
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Good speed and awesome control
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Good blade for speed and control
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Currently fastest carbon blade from Donic. thickness is 7mm (Hinoki 1mm*2 + Carbon 0.25mm*2 + Kiri center ply 4.5mm)High bounce with low vibration, it is very stiff blade not give best spin in slow shot.
I used to set up with T64 both sides, and yes T64 is softest rubber in Tenergy series (Exclude FX). I have found stiff blade with soft rubber feel muddy vibration lacking control. Now I changes to T05 both sides, medium hard rubbers feel more stable, control improve. Its weight 186g a bit heavy than T64.
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Good for fast top spin close to the table and in the blocking play.
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Very fast blades..easily drive,smash and loop with this lightning blade..
Chop and blocks are so so..control is good enough thanks to hinoki outer layer
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Fast blade and good control.
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Kiri, Energy Carbon, Hinoki. 5 ply. 7.0mm . 87gr
2x Xiom Omega IV Asia MAX

An outstanding product.

I purchased this blade last week and i must say im surprized. Tried Stigas and Btys powerhouses such as Clipper, RW5, TBALC,Primorac Carbon, etc...but none assembled so well the Carbospeed characteristcs.

Tons of speed. Lightning fast. Drives and hits are top tier. You can easily place the ball even close to the table.
Loops are quite tricky due medium dwell you must make a quick movement and use wrist otherwise will hit net or overtable.
The throw is linear compared to most blades. There have to be spin in the ball to it produces an arc.
Paired with Xiom Omega IV Asia short game is a piece of cake. Pretty dead rubber if you dont engage sponge but once you do it has monstruous spin and control. Flicks are quite good when movement is quick.
3+ meters from table is easy, top spin rallies are menageable, id say easy but i lack the technique so wont go further.

In short :
Amazing blade. Easy to use.I dont know if i paired to exact holy grail rubber for this blade but despite slow strokes doesnt work that well, i cant think any drawback.
Finishing and Craftmanship top tier. The handle is so beaultiful that i feel bad to have to dirty it. :/
The blade is so well balanced. Even with medium++ weight rubber. 44g i think.
Price. Ohhh the price. Bought for only 60USD.
Not for lazyass strokes. You must go for every shot. Feet, knee, hips, back, shoulder, arm, wrist, bladeery controlable short game. Tricky close to the table due linear throw.
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Attractive blade for pips-out players particularly for those playing an offensive style. But be aware of the fact that it has a kind of catapult effect (hinoki surface) , meaning that playing long/short pips ox seems to be the best way to tame the beast !
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This review is from a beginner-Intermediate point of view. The blade was very good aesthetically. Super Fast specially when smashing as opponents did not have time to react. Paired with Mark V m2. I think it would have been better to pair with harder rubbers because response was poor when playing slow. There wasnt that much spin but that could because the blade has carbon.
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I'm always prefer fast blade but one problem is most of them give you a very hard feeling which make it harder to control the ball. This blade provides you a very good speed with not to hard so it's very nice for high speed game.
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this is definitely not a flat hitters blade. as it will be too fast and the ball will fly. this blade is the perfect loopers blade the feeling this blade gives when you loop is the best ive felt with any blade ive used. im using donic Bluefire jp 01 turbo on FH and andro rasant grip BH with this blade and the spin im creating is amazing. the comments im getting after play is the ball is moving half a metre after the bounce. this blade is perfect in my opinion it feels like you can point and shoot. when you want to play slow you can play slow and when want to play fast this blade give explosive power.
update 16/06/2019
This was 1 of the fastest blades ive tried over the year. On the FH it was excellent fast and deadly in the lower ranks. However going up in the ranks players just started using that speed against me and all i was left with was speed i couldn't control. On the BH i found that the ball was jumping off the blade before i could control it.
A friend of mine was using this for a while and he plays a counter hitting style. Whilst he had the same BH issues he had DHS Hurricane 3 on the FH and that seemed give him a low throw controllable FH.
Overall i would recommend this blade to help you on your journey to discovering your dream bat that you can use for years to come.
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I did not know it was possible to make such a fast blade with such amazing control. Very good for touch play unbelievable power effortless to play with. I have found my dream blade. Butterfly eat your heart out you never produced anything even close to this.
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Awesome blade , really Love to use it, easy to make loop , smash , block , push , chop n anything fh &bh, excellent combination Japanese hinoki n carbon , even don't have to put much energy play with it...5 stars for this blade
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This is a super fast blade. I'm getting difficult to block a smash. It's head heavy after gluing a rubber because the head size is over mid-size. I switched back to PowerCarbon.
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This truly a speed demon. Sweet spot is very large, very stiff. Paired with blufire m3 2mm front and back, feels heavy, fast but control still there.

However this blade is not for me, but I can see more advance player will like it. The finishing looks very nice though.
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