I wanted a blade for modern defense with and emphasis of strong forehand attacks and disruptive long pips close to the table for bh. This thing is amazing with dignics 80 max thickness on fh.
This is fast enough without the carbon to allow me to use long pips on backhand. Debating bh pips with this blade ilius b 1.1 mm, feint long 3 1.3. I can attack with this.
The feel allows me to loop every ball safely with speed and spin.
→ Offensive Blades → Butterfly Revoldia CNF Reviews
→ Butterfly Blades → Butterfly Revoldia CNF
13 Reviews for Butterfly Revoldia CNF
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Very good blade one of the best but the most suitable rubbers for it's hard sponge only or medium hard, that ways you find bad reviews here because people don't understand this special blade, I wishes all the best??
very weird blade it plays like tsp galleon so I understand brzecol words. he has right
The details about structure is well known, so in few words - Revoldia CNF is an amazing blade!
Handle is not too thin, the topsheet is huge (D09c and D05), with great feeling close to the table, but also in every position far or in the mid-distance play. Serve, block and drive are fine, topspin is lower, with the "tones of spin" and the best precision, though every shoot depends a lot on athleticism...
So just enjoy playing and using RVD CNF!
Handle is not too thin, the topsheet is huge (D09c and D05), with great feeling close to the table, but also in every position far or in the mid-distance play. Serve, block and drive are fine, topspin is lower, with the "tones of spin" and the best precision, though every shoot depends a lot on athleticism...
So just enjoy playing and using RVD CNF!
yeah Radek famous polish EJ Master from Lodz told me about pawel brzecol that he is very reliable source, listen guys like him. The worst blade EVER
special blade, I saw review of angry guy here, but his words are not worth to response, if you never destroy your blade, there is small value in good touch
everyone who really wants butterfly blade, add bad review just to have good price on 2nd hand, that is normal gimmick.
Revoldia with angel heaven dust is perfect choice for businessman who wants use expensive blade because he gets money, if you are poor this blade is not for you because it gives you more safety, more feeling and pleasure that you dont deserve it so buy some Chinese stuff and say to people that is better than butterfly
Revoldia with angel heaven dust is perfect choice for businessman who wants use expensive blade because he gets money, if you are poor this blade is not for you because it gives you more safety, more feeling and pleasure that you dont deserve it so buy some Chinese stuff and say to people that is better than butterfly
Had a hit with blade for few days. Overall nothing special. One of worst blades Butterfly has released recently. Has strange muted feeling, really akward on BH side. Seems slower than Butterfly rating, but from the other hand has that strange catapult that comes from nowhere. Short game is ok-ish. FH drills are more or less ok. BH needs you to really close the racket and have a lot of forward motion. Otherwise it goes long. Overall nothing really special (Innerforce Layer series is much better, especially ALC). If you also take price into consideration - really worthless. I agree with one of previous users - no resell value at all.
(Used this blade with nittaku C1 Max sponge on both sides) This is probably one of the most unique blades I have ever used because of how incredible its feeling and power is. It's great if you are someone who wants to transition from all wood to carbon but are afraid that the carbon might be a little too fast. My previous blade was a kenta matsudaira alc blade (essentially the same as a timo boll alc but with a smaller handle) and it feels that this blade is a tad slower but has much more control and really increased my confidence because of how good the feeling is. In the short game it has amazing feel like an all wood blade and it is very easy to do flicks and open ups right off the serve. Although it has a lot of characteristics of an all wood blade, where it sets itself apart from them is when you start going away from the table. There is still that carbon feel where you can back away and still have enough power and speed to win the point unlike some wood blades where you can only get so much speed out of it. The sweet spot is relatively large and it has a lot of dwell so you'll feel the ball stay on your blade longer than most other butterfly carbon blades. The only drawback I can think of this blade is the steep price but if you have the money and want to try something new I would strongly recommend this blade.
CNF is softer than the SZLCs and faster than the Viscaria/ALC/TB Spirit. Very nice hold on the ball for spinning and some chopping. Quite manageable with long pips at the table. Loops are not as powerful as when using a SZLC, have a higher arc but a very snappy down hook after the bounce. Using it as a nice alternative to my primary racket for when I want to play with more control while giving up on some of the speed. Serves are very short and deceptive.
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