85 gram specimen. Paired with BlueGrip C2 2.0 both sides. Racket weight is 186. Just a hint of weight towards the head but still really good flexibility for short game and wrist oriented shots. Dynamic without much loss of table control. Ball throw seems low based on C2 being a high throw rubber. Easy to produce low and high arc shots. Arc is dependent on speed of ball you hit. Excellent spin in short game and control to push, flick, flip and all round manipulation of the ball. Catapult of the blade is more dynamic and understandable than viscaria or super alc vis. Blocking is much easier and ability to change distance of loops from mid table to white line giving timing disadvantage to opponents. Speed is quite good to hit through people but this blade is more for getting the ball where they arent. Opening is good and consistent with a strong drive and touch. Countering is very consistent, only blades that have countered/counterloop this well in my experience are ZQH90 and Barwell Fleet. Excellent blade for those who want every spin option and vary between any and all shot selections without being punished for changing pace. This may be my last butterfly blade because its really good.
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→ Butterfly Blades → Butterfly Fan Zhendong ZLC - Chinese Penhold
2 Reviews for Butterfly Fan Zhendong ZLC - Chinese Penhold
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Very good blade, better control than super zlc series, but still almost the same laser accurate, weight about 87 grams with flared handle, quite stiff, very nice control, not bouncy, trajectory is between medium to low, very accurate, I have tried a lot of pbo, super pbo, zlc and super zlc blades, but this is probably the best of all of them, not for beginner players thou, for players who preffer little stiff blades, longer dwell time than super zlc, but not as annoying as alc series, what is great for me, altought the sound is not the best, overall great blade.
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