Sunflex Color Comp G30
• Sunflex Color Comp Racket Series The Sunflex G30 Color Comp Table Tennis Racket is the perfect racket for the player who has some playing experience, and is wanting to improve their game. This racket is also suitable for the more competitve players looking to have a fun, but challenging match of table tennis. This racket features a design with high quality wood and rubber, and is modeled after the design of olympic style table tennis rackets. Choose a non-traditional color for your rubber aside from the usual red to customize your game. The rubber has a smooth design with the pips facing inward to the center of the racket. This allows for the athlete to apply more spin to their offensive play. The Sunflex G30 also features a 1.5mm sponge underneath its rubber. The sponge allows for more ball contact, rebound, and control. When using this racket, you can tell that the sponge allows the ball to bounce from the rubber with less effort than rackets without a sponge. The easy bounce from the rubber allows the player to focus more on applying spin to the ball becuase they no longer have to worry about exerting force for a faster, harder attack. A stronger sense of control is also acheieved by using this racket. As the ball sinks into the sponge, the player can feel how much control they have over the ball and their next move. Advance your competitive table tennis game with the Color Comp G30! • New Rubber Colors - Customize your game with a non-traditional colored rubber
• Table Tennis Sport Paddle With New Approved Rubber Colors
• Rubber - Smooth rubber with inverted pips allows for more spin on ball contact
• Ergo Grip - Ergonomic grip shape for absolute power transmission
Great for Players with Experience - Modeled after competition rackets, more experienced players can improve their advanced techniques
Sponge - Racket features a 1.5mm sponge underneath the rubber for more control over the ball
Racket Assembly FAQ - Learn about free racket assembly, pre-assembled rackets and more.
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